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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

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MMOPLAY was succesfull of them all! silver failing,wicca failed, WR failed. Only mmoplay worths now and i can give you 7 reasons why and not only me but most of the players


everything you post in silver forum need to be approved

freedom wtf


perhaps you need learn how to read, it says clear only first 2 posts need to be approved for spam protection...


This server is such a big fail , admin doesn't even care about the server laggs/bugs. It will lose all the people in a few weeks.Server has 2 or 3 weeks and the lags still persist. I played there but i quited because of that horrible lagg , I thought it would be a great server but it isn't.


already dropped to 700 active (not shops) on a saturday afternoon, and gm says everyday we will fix lags, then after maintenence, lag is back :s


server failed


still lags

attribute bug, and admin will delete all attri from weapons and guns



:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:


server failed


still lags

attribute bug, and admin will delete all attri from weapons and guns



:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

Still lags?

Are you sure that you are in correct server?

gf xaxaxaxa (VaiN's style)

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