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[moded L2J - H5] L2Silver 25x- return of the silverians

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Best Server ATM tested by me and my TEAM also i tried ddos them with 50gb and i failed QQ  :not bad:

Lineage 2 WFR



See you in game


:forever alone like a boss:


so you are a hacker wannabe that ddos servers? loled hard go lick stalone more in the ass dickhead.





i dont know what/who is this stalone but i like this lineage 2 wfr server

spamming other topics with that server shows how big is your iq, above 10


don't spam in other topics about other server's. Every1 have own opinion and can decide by own where he wanna play. AvecMoi don't be mad that every1 will leave from ur eoa coz new server started in days, is normal. Don't hate, just love


Best Server ATM tested by me and my TEAM also i tried ddos them with 50gb and i failed QQ  :not bad:

Lineage 2 WFR



See you in game


:forever alone like a boss:


If u need to ddos other servers to get ppl to yours, then i feel sad for u m8.. U have alot to learn from RedSky m8


Cool website :>



Ty but pm it on webpage i have nothing to do with srv :P i only want everyone to come back that was there :) it was so much fun :)


i never played but here but it look promising ;) i will join beta to test for sure


The server was ok before so i hope it will be perfect this time :P haha


Beta opens 8pm gmt +1 today

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