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[L2J] L2Peril x300 PvP BETA


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Retards like u destroy l2 community. Their is no about the ppl online,if u like the server stay and not cry about dualbox etc,all retards think like u nowdays,thats why there isnt any server nowdays.


If u like it ,join and stay,if not STOP B1TCHING

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Changelog 22/2/2013.


Bellow is list of changes that happened from the opening till today.


Added Improved Buffs on Scheme Buffer.

Changed Duration to 2hours for the Following Buffs: counter critical

Decreased the prices to the following items: All Dynasty Armors,Jewels,Weapons, giant codex & giant codex mastery.

Changed TvT Location to Bandit Stronghold its smaller and more suitable for the current population.

Also now there have to be 4 registered players in order for the TvT to start.

Added Giant Codex and Gold Bar drops on Party Farming Area Mobs.


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Changelog 22/2/2013.


Bellow is list of changes that happened from the opening till today.


Added Improved Buffs on Scheme Buffer.

Changed Duration to 2hours for the Following Buffs: counter critical

Decreased the prices to the following items: All Dynasty Armors,Jewels,Weapons, giant codex & giant codex mastery.

Changed TvT Location to Wild Beast Reserve its smaller and more suitable for the current population.

Also now there have to be 4 registered players in order for the TvT to start.

Added Giant Codex and Gold Bar drops on Party Farming Area Mobs.



Not to gloat or anything, but i told you you WILL decrease prices sooner or later... it would have been BEST if you would have done this in the first hours when the server started, like the players (including me) strongly sugested. Now it might be too late since there are very few ppl left on your server.

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Not to gloat or anything, but i told you you WILL decrease prices sooner or later... it would have been BEST if you would have done this in the first hours when the server started, like the players (including me) strongly sugested. Now it might be too late since there are very few shops left on your server.

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Maybe it would have been better, but i'd rather have less people who like the server for what it is and less serverhopers that the only thing they know to do is to cry all the time because the server didnt meet their personal needs and then go to another server and do the same thing. If you like the server you stay if you dont i am not keeping you from moving on. I dont have anything else to add for the matter. I would have been more open to suggestions if you people didnt insult me and the server all the time, but seeing as this isnt possible i wont bother anymore listening to your ironic attitude. I have been nothing but polite to everyone. This is the last time i will talk casually with everyone in this topic, from now and on i will be only posting importand news and announcements regarding the progress of the server. Thank you for your time.

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