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[L2J] L2Psycho Mid Server x30


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if you are pissed off from shit bugged

hmm bugs:

1. u can enter baium w/o quest with bug

2. u can solo aq/orfen with bug(i soloed those rbs)

3. u can solo heka ipos naga flamestone gordon tayr glaki olkuth braki and many others(i soloed those rbs with bug)

Also, its not balanced, cause when it started it had 20/22+4(dont remember exactly and now it has 24+4 and all fighters have resists

archers with +4 db dmg to a mage with MA(not even dc)(+5+4+4+4) with 4k dmg

if this is balanced so mby u havent ever played to a balanced srvr

btw i have to agree the admin(subl1me) is a good guy and helps ppl


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450 players ... and growing ... Perfect !


350 offline in gm zone 50 in offline mode giran 50 real player all leaving unbalanced class rb not fix world boss not fix debuff not fix full bot in all zone ...



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To be honest, i didn't play his server.

But i had some exchanges with the owner of this server and generally, i had some chats with him.

This guy really wants to work, and he always listen to suggestions..


Good luck buddy!

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350 offline in gm zone 50 in offline mode giran 50 real player all leaving unbalanced class rb not fix world boss not fix debuff not fix full bot in all zone ...



try again in english :D

btw most ppl leaved this server

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Doesn't matter, the community is really low now. The problem with Subl1me is that he listens to every crying noob and that's why his project ended up like this! "Omg gm, pls change buffs slots, how to play with destro", "Plz increase quests, its too low, I don't wanna farm all day for 1 recipe, I want to farm 1-2 hours", "Omg the damage is too low, dagger sucks, glad sucks, mage sucks" etc...

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Doesn't matter, the community is really low now. The problem with Subl1me is that he listens to every crying noob and that's why his project ended up like this! "Omg gm, pls change buffs slots, how to play with destro", "Plz increase quests, its too low, I don't wanna farm all day for 1 recipe, I want to farm 1-2 hours", "Omg the damage is too low, dagger sucks, glad sucks, mage sucks" etc...

complety right!

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And if he wouldt listen your post would be like :


Fail admin, i posted 10 times on forum that duelist / mage / dagger / archer is weak and hit only 400dmg with bow / am / as / duals +++++ on mage / tank / bishop / duelist / dagger / archer and he hit sme 2k. no balance omfg

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Doesn't matter, the community is really low now. The problem with Subl1me is that he listens to every crying noob and that's why his project ended up like this! "Omg gm, pls change buffs slots, how to play with destro", "Plz increase quests, its too low, I don't wanna farm all day for 1 recipe, I want to farm 1-2 hours", "Omg the damage is too low, dagger sucks, glad sucks, mage sucks" etc...



You're right.



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some ppl leave bcs they are killed 2 times in some zone and don't know how to handle in pvp .... others bcs from various server got 1 char OPed and rull the server and they think everywhere is like that .... 3th leave with spam in forum like " OMG GM Corrupted there is Modded clan / chars / etc..." and the reason is they are 3 parties vs 1 that guys are there since 2 weeks ago others are from the beginning and other thing is ... they don't know how to group and compete that guys ... ffs... like one guy try to fool ppl with only reason to bring the ppl to his own sh1t server :D

It's not something special just ordinary mid server.

Sh1t happens in every server :troll:

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And if he wouldt listen your post would be like :


Fail admin, i posted 10 times on forum that duelist / mage / dagger / archer is weak and hit only 400dmg with bow / am / as / duals +++++ on mage / tank / bishop / duelist / dagger / archer and he hit sme 2k. no balance omfg

No, not at all! There's no balance because he listens to what most want. People don't understand that when fully buffed, some classes become op and that's the way it's supposed to be. When you try to change that and make adjustments on stats/land rates etc, you're screwing with the real game balance! That's exactly why I didn't played psycho this time, I knew it was gonna end up like the first time...

Also server has no good bot protection and people are botting non-stop!

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