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hellbound High Five [retail modded L2J] H5 War For Redemption x15

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i love you too:) i dont really know who is this stalone but love is in the air <3


Of course it is . Ask ur mother if she wants to be my valentine.


I really don't have a problem with this project but plz retain yourselfs from making accounts just to say positive comments on this topic.It's...i won't say the word...You can figure it out...  :poker face:


i  need to agree about lagz, sometimes on pvp when i use skills i cant even move ;d


Its becasue they use ddos protection.. it will be like this untill they remove it.. and when they remove it ill be there..


I see AdZone still dont understand, that on this server is delay... i rlly dont know how do u want to pvp with delay. U can maybe farm there is a little delay no problem, but with delay pvp?  :you serious?: :you serious?: :you serious?: :you serious?:


I see AdZone still dont understand, that on this server is delay... i rlly dont know how do u want to pvp with delay. U can maybe farm there is a little delay no problem, but with delay pvp?  :you serious?: :you serious?: :you serious?: :you serious?:


Adzone is problay using 56k modem then its no problem with delay :D


:D I had never problem with delay on any server, its first server where I have, and its rlly annoying :( shame I wanted to play here but with delay I dont want to anymore. GL HF here ;) and AdZone stop spam all servers cuze all know that u are just a moron and ******* spamer !


52 online in forums and on beta :D:D


ye but i was from 1st day on the forum and in 1st days it was:

Users active in past 30 minutes.

Then they change it to 60 mins.

Now is 80minutes. Thats why u think that online on forum is growing ;p


And btw if i will see again adzone advertising wfr in other servers topic i will not support that wfr anymore. Maybe im a spammer but i never advertise in other server topics


If you check firsts posts you will see who start spamming me or the other tards... if they didnt do that i don't do that too

:d  :-beep- yeah:


there is a different betweent spam and flame, i spam, u flame. No one like flamers, and i hate the way how u adertise this server

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