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L2 Cleaver coming back better than ever. After year of hard work, after fixing everything that You reported to us in the pass, after our beta test, now we are glad that, we can finally present you and invite you to the NEW L2 Cleaver.


Grand Open: 1st February 2013 / GMT +1 [18:00]



RateXp = 30

RateSp = 30

RatePartyXp = 1,5

RateDropItems = 20

RateSpoilItems = 15

RateRaidDropItems = 20

RateQuestDrop = 10

EnchantMaxWeapon = 16

EnchantMaxArmor = 16

EnchantMaxJewelry = 16

Enchant rate: 66%



Quest no Need for Class change

Quest no Need for Subclass

Noblesse questable/buyable

Buffs/Buff Time - 1h

NPC Buffer normal

NPC Buffer shemes

Mana potions

All caste/clan hall work

Skills 100% working

Dualbox is allowed.

Flawless geodata

GM Shop up to B-Grades

GM Shop trading SealStones

Global Gatekeeper

Olympiad period : 2 weeks

Olympiad min players: 9 (Non-Classed)

Olympiad min players: 5 (Classed)

Autolearn skills

NPC changing classes

Merchant of Mammon in town

Blacksmith of Mammon in town

Max buff a-beep-t: 30 (+4)

Friendly GM Staff

Regular updates

Vote rewards : Vote Coins

Player's spawn protect: 15 sec

Antibot system

Anti L2Walker/L2Net system



Intel Bi Xeon E5606 2x4x2.13+ GHz

2x 8 MB L2 - QPI 2x 4.8 GT/sec


HDD 2x 3TB - SATA3

Internet 1Gbps


Server Site: www.l2cleaver.com

Server Forum: www.l2cleaver.com/forum

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