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[Dota 2] Invites for the lulz.


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Well since i've seen so many fags i've missed here i feel like giving some shit away to the other faggets  :dat:


I posted this here since the dota 2 cat is dead and because i felt like it so fuck off  :-beep- yeah:


anyway anyone who wants to play that crap can either pm me here or leave their steam so i can send them the inv.



13 left  :not bad:



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dud, u still liv in 2008? XD LoL is the cool kids play today

true story yet i hate both dota 2 and lol they seem both way to childish.

that why i posted since dota 2 is crap like lol is maybe cool kids want to give it a try.


plus its funny watching people waste their time on shit games ;3

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true story yet i hate both dota 2 and lol they seem both way to childish.

that why i posted since dota 2 is crap like lol is maybe cool kids want to give it a try.


plus its funny watching people waste their time on shit games ;3

yoloswag overload
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stahp it with the textures shit, lol is very intuitive and wow is for ppl with a bigger brain, its for some ppl that mildly hate the word grind.(farm)

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Dota2 it's for serious grown-up people, LoL it's for kids ( even the textures imply it )

It's the same shit community, kids and russians who speak with their premades in in-game voice chat and they don't give a fuck, or kids spamming chat 24/7 till the game ends.
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It's the same shit community, kids and russians who speak with their premades in in-game voice chat and they don't give a -beep-, or kids spamming chat 24/7 till the game ends.

That applies to all online games. I get themz in Assassin's Creed Broth/Revel/3,i also get them in mass effect 3, lineage, mu online and every other game online. Specially COD

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That applies to all online games. I get themz in Assassin's Creed Broth/Revel/3,i also get them in mass effect 3, lineage, mu online and every other game online. Specially COD

Just saying, cause middleman thinks that Dota 2 is for mature people and LoL for kiddos.
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the thing is, kids can play LoL while they can't play dota 2 , but they still do so they ruin the community.

Anyone can play WoW, but your 10 yo cousin wont reach top 0.5% in arena.

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