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Yeah if i change java i cant compile another project i have 4 project in my work.. Eclipse java7 all work fine, but Mobius project i cant compile.

make a new workspace then :S

I don't think that .netau will be safe enough, on google there are some .netau.net domains that are hacked  :-\


Take a look here: https://www.google.com/search?q=netau.net+hacked+-.au


Maybe behind these attacks on our forum there is some closed-source project which is upset because they don't sell anymore...


Safety goes with what board you use, host is not that relevant.

Old forum was based on free phbb hosting template.

Maybe "the forum hack" was made by the same host provider, after seeing that site was getting many views.


I like the new one and hope that it will be fine.


Hi all, well mi ask is

can i edit to get players can to do class transference without limite lvl ? or

can i config to NpcMaster(classTransfer) give class change without check Quest Ítem? or

can you do a Custom class master to only click and get class change?


Plis help me, i want all players lvl 20 to 99 can to get all class change according his race.


i think they hate you guys because you got good project and its free, this bad for busines for them to sell some crap project :D

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