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classic [L2J] L2Mars PvP Reborn. New Administration. Opening 4/1/2013

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Good luck today!


P.s [GM] Sky (Administrator, GM)


[GM] Rick (Administrator, GM)


[GM] Zenith (Game Master)


[GM] Heolen (Game Master)


[GM] Coyote (Game Master)


[GM] Luthien (Game Master)


Huge staff bro


Good luck today!


P.s [GM] Sky (Administrator, GM)


[GM] Rick (Administrator, GM)


[GM] Zenith (Game Master)


[GM] Heolen (Game Master)


[GM] Coyote (Game Master)


[GM] Luthien (Game Master)


Huge staff bro


Fuck forgot to clean the list in website, did only in forums. thanks for noticing ;)


Server is fully balanced , SPH got 964 c spd and 21 wit +5 26 ! :troll:

Ok end of story  :dat: :poker face:

What does the 960 casting speed have to do with the balance? the same way sph has 964 cspd, the archer has 700 atkspeed too.

Your point is wrong


What does the 960 casting speed have to do with the balance? the same way sph has 964 cspd, the archer has 700 atkspeed too.

Your point is wrong

slowmind ppl.. using tables in database to make balance ;) GL


slowmind ppl.. using tables in database to make balance ;) GL

dunno if ur comment was ironic, positive or negative. but i strongly believe that balance between classes on database sucks. a good balance is based MOSTLY on how balanced are the items between eachother. the rest come after.

dunno if ur comment was ironic, positive or negative. but i strongly believe that balance between classes on database sucks. a good balance is based MOSTLY on how balanced are the items between eachother. the rest come after.


...or maybe try formola.java?


this server has low population couse gms do what they want I got jail 5h because I wanted feed pk for zariche? and he write jailed for bot... dismiss  [GM] Luthien from team couse he makes nonsense making ppl leave ur server since game play isnt bad...


Well since sky wanted to ban my forum account lets talk a bit about his staff , all of his gms are players + old corruption on his last servers , TonyMontana aka hidden he still got a gm char here , Psyko is invis gm fixing also he can do what ever he want since on canyon he deleted logs of his free items(sorry psyko) , also he got one more gm that playing..oh all of them are wutans members..about the new admin..there isnt any new admin..he cant even hide it from his friends..he will just pick up a friend to show him self soon.. thats why all of his server 2 years now are dead..randoms gms even me. finest/brave/canyon/glory/mars since 2 years with many wipe..before wipe darwin was tonymontana and im sure now he changed name to avoid insults..sky doing this months now..


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