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  On 1/1/2013 at 12:45 PM, Zake said:

We were having trades before he registered in this forum. I suggested to him to advertise his server here (only of it's ddos protected).


I don't give a damn that you had trades because you haven't participated in the situation, when I sold all psd files and gave AdminParadox the access to website ftp and so on. Yes, from your side you can vouch for Paradox but that's all what you can do and stop posting dozens of posts because I repeat you: you don't know anything, so one post is enough.



What his arguments were?


1. My nationality is LT, however my colleague was from GR and also used this account in forum in ~summer when he had Interlude.pro running. There's no problem to change it, I already made it.


2. You told that I was selling your files and other people had access to your files. I can agree at one point, your only argument is that after I sold you the files, my topic was still posted in the forum that I sell template. However, no one contacted me so I forgot that the topic existed, so here you are - wrong again. No one had access to his ftp and only he had the files and all PSDs. I can post my Paypal payment log to assure that I haven't got any payment or what you want else, but I'm kind of tired of giving proof and seeing more and more Paradox attempts to clean his name.


So what happened?


He started his server under l2empire.eu domain, failed:


[2012.12.20 18:23:45] Me: hello how is going with l2empire.eu ?

[2012.12.20 18:23:56] Paradox: nothing

[2012.12.20 18:24:14] Me: u said u have a good server, what happened?

[2012.12.20 18:24:22] Paradox: where is the point

[2012.12.20 18:24:28] Paradox: to stay online with 100 players?


And he wants his euros back by covering his thief ass with lies, that he haven't got what he bought. He got exactly what he paid for, he failed to start and keep his server, thats why he wants his money back....



  On 1/1/2013 at 1:36 PM, zemaitis said:

I don't give a damn that you had trades because you haven't participated in the situation, when I sold all psd files and gave AdminParadox the access to website ftp and so on. Yes, from your side you can vouch for Paradox but that's all what you can do and stop posting dozens of posts because I repeat you: you don't know anything, so one post is enough.



What his arguments were?


1. My nationality is LT, however my colleague was from GR and also used this account in forum in ~summer when he had Interlude.pro running. There's no problem to change it, I already made it.


2. You told that I was selling your files and other people had access to your files. I can agree at one point, your only argument is that after I sold you the files, my topic was still posted in the forum that I sell template. However, no one contacted me so I forgot that the topic existed, so here you are - wrong again. No one had access to his ftp and only he had the files and all PSDs. I can post my Paypal payment log to assure that I haven't got any payment or what you want else, but I'm kind of tired of giving proof and seeing more and more Paradox attempts to clean his name.


So what happened?


He started his server under l2empire.eu domain, failed:


And he wants his euros back by covering his thief ass with lies, that he haven't got what he bought. He got exactly what he paid for, he failed to start and keep his server, thats why he wants his money back....

i don't start any other server expect l2 champion and i had it until half of december so you argument start to fall in a part

i buy your website and some days after someone was opening a server with this website

now you can continue to spam your story here until the day you die is not my problem but next time create a full story from the start because is starting to become a movie

go away with your lie or at last photoshop some conversation



  On 1/1/2013 at 5:33 PM, AdminParadox said:

i don't start any other server expect l2 champion and i had it until half of december so you argument start to fall in a part

i buy your website and some days after someone was opening a server with this website

now you can continue to spam your story here until the day you die is not my problem but next time create a full story from the start because is starting to become a movie

go away with your lie or at last photoshop some conversation



Well,you are totally wrong,conversation aren't photoshoped,i don't have nothing with you,but if you don't post us any proof better stfu,this guy is posting FULLY Proofs about his story and you just talk. So better thing about it! You are telling that you saw a server opening with the same website,well can you show us that website? or show us SOMETHING that verify your story?


You really should just stop this. Really. It's getting annoying (just seeing your nick right now is kinda annoying, y'know?). Zemaitis provided all the proof needed. What proof did you provide? Well, nothing. Just words. And some words from a friend-moderator who will dekarma/buy (if he can, I think) me when he sees this post. But I don't really care. You say that another server was with that template? Provide proof. Provide the website (link). If it is online about/more than one month (when you had Empire) - you have your proof. Right now - you have NONE. So stop spamming and show us some proof, because your just looking kinda pathetic right now, y'know?

Oh, and, by the way - don't even reply to my post without any proofs, because you will look more pathetic than you are now.



[LT] Rasyk PayPal ir viskas. Daugiau nebekreipk demesio i ta sliuza. Matai, kad jisai jokiu irodyu nieko neturi - tavo teisybe cia. Garantuoju, kad ir ka tu besakytum - kad ir kokius irodymus tu jam duotum - jisai vistiek nrpsisipazins. Taigi, kaip ir sakiau, rasyk i PayPal, sitos temos Linka numesk (gal ?) ir/arba irodymus, kokius tu cia numetes ir viskas.

  On 1/1/2013 at 5:33 PM, AdminParadox said:

i don't start any other server expect l2 champion and i had it until half of december so you argument start to fall in a part

i buy your website and some days after someone was opening a server with this website

now you can continue to spam your story here until the day you die is not my problem but next time create a full story from the start because is starting to become a movie

go away with your lie or at last photoshop some conversation


It makes sense now why you are retrieving your money, it's because you failed the domain name. Remember our conversation?


i don't start any other server expect l2 champion and i had it until half of december so you argument start to fall in a part

i buy your website and some days after someone was opening a server with this website


Log, when you started high five x20:





[2012.12.05 18:13:29] Paradox: you can remove count down?

[2012.12.05 18:18:02] Paradox: i need countdown removed

[2012.12.05 19:04:03] Paradox: man=?

[2012.12.05 19:04:06] Paradox: man? *

[2012.12.05 19:06:00] Me: its in the code

[2012.12.05 19:06:02] Me: wordpress

[2012.12.05 19:06:08] Me: index.php i think

[2012.12.05 19:06:15] Me: i dont have time because of other projects man

[2012.12.05 19:06:46] Paradox: ok but yesterday i fail opening because i don't have access to your domaind i and system on media fire or rapidshare

[2012.12.05 19:06:48] Paradox: are not good

[2012.12.05 19:06:49] Paradox: go on forum

[2012.12.05 19:06:55] Paradox: see how many people dissapointed

[2012.12.05 19:07:14] Me: you failed because you dont uploaded normal system

[2012.12.05 19:07:17] Me: i watched your start

[2012.12.05 19:07:26] Paradox: yes i can't upload anywhere

[2012.12.05 19:07:28] Me: you uploaded to mediafire but forgot to activate e-mail

[2012.12.05 19:07:29] Paradox: media fire remove link

[2012.12.05 19:07:31] Paradox: rapidshare

[2012.12.05 19:07:32] Paradox: remove it

[2012.12.05 19:07:36] Paradox: everyone remove it

[2012.12.05 19:07:40] Paradox: after some upload

[2012.12.05 19:07:43] Paradox: download *

[2012.12.05 19:07:43] Me: because system is full of trojans

[2012.12.05 19:07:51] Paradox: system don't have any trojans...

[2012.12.05 19:07:57] Me: but all players find them

[2012.12.05 19:08:00] Me: strange

[2012.12.05 19:08:09] Me: i suggest you to reinstall your operating system and make a new patch

[2012.12.05 19:08:24] Paradox: i have to change everything

[2012.12.05 19:08:25] Me: your pc may be infected

[2012.12.05 19:08:30] Paradox: and open a new kind of server

[2012.12.05 19:08:35] Paradox: i'm thinking to open tomorrow a x100

[2012.12.05 19:08:40] Paradox: with medium farm

[2012.12.05 19:08:44] Me: you wont have lots of online

[2012.12.05 19:08:48] Me: of 1day advertising

[2012.12.05 19:09:04] Paradox: i can't open again a x20

[2012.12.05 19:09:08] Paradox: i need new site and new name

[2012.12.05 19:09:10] Paradox: for do it

[2012.12.05 19:09:33] Me: i can get new name and edit the existing template

[2012.12.05 19:09:48] Paradox: edit in a way no one will know?

[2012.12.05 19:09:57] Me: i have these:





[2012.12.05 19:10:19] Me: they will recognize from same template, but the name in the website will be yours

[2012.12.05 19:10:34] Me: design will be the same

[2012.12.05 19:10:45] Paradox: ok but if will be in some way different

[2012.12.05 19:10:49] Paradox: image different and ecc.

[2012.12.05 19:10:50] Paradox: for me is ok

[2012.12.05 19:10:57] Me: cant make it

[2012.12.05 19:11:10] Paradox: so will be the same only different website?

[2012.12.05 19:11:24] Me: same template

[2012.12.05 19:11:30] Me: different domain and server name

[2012.12.05 19:11:32] Me: different logo name

[2012.12.05 19:11:34] Me: in website

[2012.12.05 19:12:11] Paradox: well i don't want to waste your time so if you have something alredy done let me see if you didin't is not a problem

[2012.12.05 19:12:24] Paradox: btw i think i removed the file was dected like a trojan

[2012.12.05 19:12:54] Me: i dont have differnet template made

[2012.12.05 19:13:53] Paradox: well you can upload system in your domaind no?

[2012.12.05 19:14:06] Me: upload the system to ftp

[2012.12.05 19:14:08] Me: you have the ftp

[2012.12.05 19:14:30] Paradox: and explain me better how to remove count down i don't found it


And talking about the proof providing, it's a good thing that I haven't provided all the proof at once, because you could have figured out how to lie in the future, for now, your talks don't match with proofs :) So you failed with server opening, the template and domain name become useless, so let's make a dispute and bunch of lies, yeah? :) It's a miracle that you aren't banned yet, probably because of new year :)


And oh also, here's what you writed to PayPal even in Italian, smart.


Salve per l'ennesima volta vengo truffato da gente senza scrupoli che fa pagare per dei servizi e poi scompare con i soldi in tasca. In questo caso avevo acquistato un servizio che all'attualità dei fatti non riceverò mai vista l'assenza della persona stessa che approfittando della situazione è scomparsa. Prima ha iniziato ad inventare problemi inesistenti ed infine è scomparso... Aspetto con ansia vostra risposta un delusissimo utente.



Google translate from Italy to English:


Hello once again I am cheated by unscrupulous people who do pay for services and then disappears with the money in his pocket. In this case, I purchased a service to current facts I'll never get in the absence of the person who took advantage of the situation has disappeared. Before he began to invent non-existent problems and finally disappeared ... I look forward to your response so disappointed a user.


My questions to you:


1. What problems i did invented?

2. Where did I disappear? You were in my facebook friends, also in skype contacts, but you blocked me before ~2 days yeah?

3. How did I took advantage of you? :)


  On 1/1/2013 at 7:06 PM, zemaitis said:

It makes sense now why you are retrieving your money, it's because you failed the domain name. Remember our conversation?


Log, when you started high five x20:




And talking about the proof providing, it's a good thing that I haven't provided all the proof at once, because you could have figured out how to lie in the future, for now, your talks don't match with proofs :) So you failed with server opening, the template and domain name become useless, so let's make a dispute and bunch of lies, yeah? :) It's a miracle that you aren't banned yet, probably because of new year :)


And oh also, here's what you writed to PayPal even in Italian, smart.



Google translate from Italy to English:


My questions to you:


1. What problems i did invented?

2. Where did I disappear? You were in my facebook friends, also in skype contacts, but you blocked me before ~2 days yeah?

3. How did I took advantage of you? :)

paypal have support in italian too.. be smarter

i was on l2 champion in the date you talk about this so you fuck yourself

you can make fake conversation fake screen i don't care

i have my own server l2 champion and my english is not so bad like in your fake conversation

have a good spamming i will not answer more to your kidness next time don' try to do the thief with me

  On 1/1/2013 at 11:21 PM, AdminParadox said:

paypal have support in italian too.. be smarter

i was on l2 champion in the date you talk about this so you -beep- yourself

you can make fake conversation fake screen i don't care

i have my own server l2 champion and my english is not so bad like in your fake conversation

have a good spamming i will not answer more to your kidness next time don' try to do the thief with me

the only thief i see here is you.

@Topic starter: What can the community do for you, since it's a case for PayPal? Even if I ban him right away (which seems to be coming) what's the point for you?

  On 1/2/2013 at 3:35 AM, Blane said:

@Topic starter: What can the community do for you, since it's a case for PayPal? Even if I ban him right away (which seems to be coming) what's the point for you?


What's the point for me? No more other people who would loose their money because of this piece of sh*it. How you become a moderator if you don't  know what is good and what is bad? :D


4 days and he's still not banned, good job :D

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