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yes, the community of the forum, 2-3 years ago they were many, 400 - 500 active but at least there was some usefull shits posted with exploits and lineage2 stuff and so on. Now the only one who remained on the forums are shadows of their former selves and there is so much stupidity around that it wasn't enough and introduced retarded memes. Seriously, this forum has became a clown circus so if there weren't any money coming from donations ( vip, sticky and other shit ) I bet that Maxtor would close it right away.


shit sherlock, tell me something i dont already know :P

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ye, i had all teh forumz records baby, too bad i got a life.



How many people hate you about bans axaxa
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hey buddy, did you finally went to the army? jk jk, i know you didnt :P


i'm doing fine my friend, living 1 day at a time

Yeah, I was expecting to go but I didn't



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i told you they dont accept dwarfs, even if they are extreme.

damn :'(


eventho I'm pretty much taller than average for a dorfie

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over 1200 (?)


feels bad knowing so many people want you dead ;_;

Neah, after you I was the most hated global, then I resigned cause I was bored :D
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