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Antibot system for farm and enchant

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Just curious when did you code that?Cause L2Canyon had that system 1 year before.

I coded that for my server before 2-3 months! ;)


L2Canyon ?I Dont know that server i took the idea from pipiou21's anti-bot

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Canyon is the current l2mars.com



Dynno cause i played there and there was an exactly same system.

Yeah right, many server using captcha antibot! L2sexi,L2Gang ....
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to be rude but this very disruptive to all of your players in the server, botting or not. It's like those single player games that make you keep a constant internet connection so they screw paying customers as well as a few pirates.

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  • 1 month later...



Just bought it

Thanks dude!


Added Config File



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------- Antibot System Engine created by NeverMore --------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antibot System General Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Control all antibot systems
# This option will affect all antibot systems
# Default: False
EnableAntibotSystems = True

# This option will affect gm characters also
# default: False
EnableAntibotForGms = False

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antibot Farm System
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antibot farm system activation
# default: False
EnableAntibotFarmSystem = True

# Antibot system, jail after all tries fail in seconds
# Default: 180
JailTimer = 100

# In case of antibot farm is enabled
# There are 2 options 0 and 1
# 0 is to make antibot farm system to count mobs
# 1 is to make antibot create a chance by each kill
# Default: 0
AntibotFarmType = 0

# In case of antibot farm system activation and type 0
# Default: 100
AntibotMobCounter = 200

# In case of antibot farm system activation and type 1
# Default: 50
AntibotFarmChance = 50

# This will enable or disable specific mobs for antibot farm system
# default: False
EnableAntibotSpecificMobs = False

# In case of enable specific mobs
# Example: 22320;22327;22765
FarmMobsIds = 22320;22327;22765;22325;22763;22321;22760;22324;22762;22761

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antibot Enchant System
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antibot enchant system activation
# Default: False
EnableAntibotEnchantSystem = False

# Antibot system, this will set every how many seconds enchant chance will gets low
# Default: 20
EnchantChanceTimer = 20

# Antibot system, this will set from what chance enchant chance will start
# Default: 80
EnchantChancePercentToStart = 80

# Antibot system, this will set how much % enchant chance will get low in every
# EnchantChanceTimer cycle
# Default: 10
EnchantChancePercentToLow = 10

# In case of antibot enchant is enabled
# There are 2 options 0 and 1
# 0 is to make antibot enchant system to count enchants
# 1 is to make antibot create a chance by each scroll
# Default: 0
AntibotEnchantType = 0

# In case of antibot enchant system activation and type 0
# Default: 100
AntibotEnchantCounter = 200

# In case of antibot enchant system activation and type 1
# Default: 100
AntibotEnchantChance = 100

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