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[L2j]-New L2Ereos PvP Server Reborn on 7.12.2012 !!!!


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i`ll be here too (rNd).gl with your server;)

thanks a lot , advertise it as much as you can


ba cum faci epicele ? doar bati raizi ?

can you translate that in english , i dont understand your native language , thanks !

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put raid boss jwl in shop if you dont make this wil lose more ppl

we're gonna add them probably , we encourage pvps for all raid bosses , we dont want ppl to stay afk in giran and take vote rewards in order to take rb's , but we are going to add them on shop aswell !

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We have a unique pvp ranked system ( most of you know what ranked points are from lol , dota , dota 2 , hon , smite etc. ) We wanted to implement something UNIQUE so when you pvp you will get ranked points , you can check your current ranked points by targeting you and pressing .playerinfo ! You can check everyone else aswell , you can check how many ranked points you can take from them , how many points they have and whats their current status on ranked ladder !!! Dont forget this is a UNIQUE SYSTEM that we just implement and for now is working very very well ! Also we gonna set up a price for RAID BOSS JEWELS , for example when you gonna gather 500 ranked points , you will get a RB jewel + some "secret" things we dont wanna share them with you xd ( you will need to find that by your own in the game ) . We encourage pvping , mass pvping , MASSACRE , so people can get RB jewels from pvp aswell not only by staying AFK in giran . Also you can hunt them by your own , with a bunch of friends , or with your clan , and do some old school pvps !!!



We hope you like this new system that encourage pvps , dont forget its UNIQUE , you will never find something similar on any kind of INT server !! By this way i want you to advertise our server even more , we are doing a titanic work right now , and we except something GREAT on Grand Opening !

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Our facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Ereos/342907805807653# LIKE IT !

Our forum: http://l2ereos.com/forum/ JOIN AND POST YOUR IDEAS , SUGGESTIONS , BUGGS , NEW CLANS etc.

We are going to change website till GO , tell everyone about this new project , as i said earlier we did a titanic work in order to enjoy playing on this server ! Tell them about our unique pvp ranked system , tell them about our great features , tell them about our active gms , tell them everything they want to know ! Dont forget server its going live on 30.11.2012 16:00 GMT +2

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Why I have doubts that another guy is behind this name and trying to do something strange...Will take server down.

you might be confused , there is 1 more day left you can wait and see whats going to happen at GO , dont forget we are waiting for 300 + players from the start !!!

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Why I have doubts that another guy is behind this name and trying to do something strange...Will take server down.


"Core" is  my  head event game master is not a random guy , i don't have much time to write on the forums  so he will announce the news .

ty , have a nice day.

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Can i know more infos about your DDos protection ?

We 'r looking for a server(a group arround 15 people) and we liked your features.

If for security reasons u cant tell exactly the protections u have got so far to protect DDos,at least give me some "infos"

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Our new website will be available in max 1h !

We have it already , almost done , but we need to configure it from 0 and this take some time !

Till then just like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Ereos/342907805807653# We will post on facebook news , things related to GO , events , changelogs . You can also post movies , suggestions , buggs etc.

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