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e are working on the server, as far as i know  the server will be a Hi5 Mid Rate:

this is the first description of the server (Note! the server rates will be change)


Server rates


Exp: x25

SP: x25

Drop: x15

Spoil: x15

Adena: x25

Quest Drop:x 10

Quest Reward:x 5

Quest Exp/SP: 10

Quest Adena: x20

RaidBoss Drop: x4

GrandBoss Drop: x2

Manor Drop: x5

Extract Fish: x15

Safe Enchant: +4

Maximum Enchant: +16




Buff Scheme

All buffs 2 hours

Max Buff A-beep-t: 30 (+4 Divine Inspiration)

Dances & Songs: 20

Trigger Buffs: 12

Auto Loot: Enabled

Drop Protection: Enabled

Player Spawn Protection: 30 Seconds

Weight Limit: x10

Max Subclasses: 3

Max Subclass Level: 85

Subclass Without Quest: Enabled

Class Master: Enabled

Auto Learn Skills Include FGS: Enabled


Main Features


Armors, Weapons and Jewels up to A-Grade sold cheap enough. Misc and consumables as you need.

Buffer**: PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS,Cats (Without Kamael).

Class Master: 1st class transfer Cost: 100,000 Adena. 2nd class transfer Cost: 1,000,000 Adena. 3rd class transfer Cost: 10,000,000 Adena & 5,000,000 Ancient Adena. Reward: Giant's Codex.

Customizable clanhalls: You can heave NPCs(such as Global GK, Buffer, WH,Grocer) in your clanhall as you like.




Chamber of Delusion

Seed of Destruction

Seed of Infinity

Kamaloka instaces

Pailaka instances

Crystal Caverns

Tower of Naia

Steel Citadel

Tully's Workshop

Hellbound Town

Dark Cloud Mansion

7s Epic Quests

Zaken Normal and Hard

Freya Easy and Hard



Automatic Events

EVRY 2 Hours


Mini Events

Single Players fights

Party fights

Korean Party fights

Mini TvT event

Main Events

Team vs Team

Capture the Flag


Mass Domination


Last Man Standing

Advanced Team vs Team

Lucky Chests


Other Info


All talismans working as they should.

Mammons in every major town.

Frequent GM Events.

SoA mobs drops Noblesse Enchantement Stones.



.engage - (Wedding mod) Engages the targeted player.

.divorce - (Wedding mod) You divorce with your partner. You will pay a tax for it.

.gotolove - (Wedding mod) Teleports you to your couple. It takes some a-beep-t of adena


I wana puke for this 20-25x servers, somebody make a easier server with 30-50 rates, i realy miss dragonyes server 50x, it was realy good mid/pvp server with easy farm and 1k online ;( But at these days is terible, only 15-25x servers, admins try wake up and look what ppl realy diferent need !

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