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Hello guys , I saw this feature in L2Sexi

When you go to pvp zone your name is changed to random name so you can't team with other players :D

When you exit your name is back.

its done by me I just took the pvp zone from  NeverMorε and added my code on it

To use this go to  game\data\zones and open  any zone you want to change and then change this



H5 L2jServer: http://pastebin.com/U0AUQh6f

Interlude L2jEsios http://pastebin.com/yPmzN4TN


Tested and working


Any questions please post here.


forgot to say you will have to create new column in character name in pvpname,small int and allow null



Update : instead of using db connection i just made a new random number generated when player enter

in the new update you dont need to make new column in database character tables


pastebin : http://pastebin.com/u6UpLHw1


Update : clan are removed when you enter





for each player that enter you open db connection ?


you can just save the itno a var and on exit re-use it for set name into the first 1


check :


+                       String i = "PvP Player";
+                       String ii = player.getName();

On Enter
+                       player.setName(i);

On exit
+                       player.setName(ii);


for each player that enter you open db connection ?


you can just save the itno a var and on exit re-use it for set name into the first 1

ok , thanks

I will update later

for each player that enter you open db connection ?


you can just save the itno a var and on exit re-use it for set name into the first 1


check :


+                       String i = "PvP Player";
+                       String ii = player.getName();

On Enter
+                       player.setName(i);

On exit
+                       player.setName(ii);

ok , it could be done like that but it wont give error if players have same name ?


it was just an example , you can generate names through numbers like we did in l2sexi ;) !

The porpuse of my post was to give you an idea on how to use the variables instead of connection db !


+1 karma from even if your shares are not totally done by you , just because you try and you share some staff ! Keep going !


it was just an example , you can generate names through numbers like we did in l2sexi ;) !

The porpuse of my post was to give you an idea on how to use the variables instead of connection db !


+1 karma from even if your shares are not totally done by you , just because you try and you share some staff ! Keep going !

Thanks :D


Hello guys , I saw this feature in L2Sexi

When you go to pvp zone your name is changed to random name so you can't team with other player :D

When you exit your name is back.

its done by me I just took the pvp zone from  NeverMorε and added my code on it

To use this go to  game\data\zones and open  any zone you want to change and then change this



Code : http://pastebin.com/U0AUQh6f


Tested and working


Any questions please post here.


forgot to say you will have to create new column in character name in pvpname,small int and allow null





I really Really like that .. Thanks for share dude your job is very nice ;)


use my tip :D ! A db connection for every player who enter or exit the Zone will cause lag !


also you forgot edit some texts of copy/pasting like

 _log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not restore premium items: " + e.getMessage(), e)

This will give wrong message in gameserver console in case of something goues wrong !




use my tip :D ! A db connection for every player who enter or exit the Zone will cause lag !

Ok i will update it when you enter it make new Random(); and then activeChar.setName(random.nextInt());

it alot easier this way

also you forgot edit some texts of copy/pasting like

Code: [select]

_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not restore premium items: " + e.getMessage(), e)

This will give wrong message in gameserver console in case of something goues wrong !

will update in few minutes :D


updated : http://pastebin.com/u6UpLHw1

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