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How To Setup L2Net Ig


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dude , I tested it in l2 RvB (Interlude Chronicle)  but when i'm logged in and i press File=> "Game Window" , L2 Net gives me error. I've found the ip of the server.. it's (, i found it by editing the l2.ini file of the server). Can someone please help me  with this thing cause i rly need it and L2 Tower doesnt work at all there.. 

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greeat tutorial my friend, question before i start with it - this works on l2toxic?

L2Toxic has antibot.


You can bot on L2Toxic with Tower but the premium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every thing works fine but when i set bot option and want to start the script i get this error:


[ERROR: crash: GameReadThread: It has been forcibly closed an existing connection by the remote host


pls help  i play on www.l2max,com

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hello! i folowed ur instructions! when i launch lianeage 2 from l2net  it opens me the client.. i put my account pass and password but it never logs into server it just keep w8ing ! any advice? i use gracia epiloque client(CT G+). THNX!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks! nice guide.


I have only one problem, some maps doesn't load as they should, it seems like the floor and all of my around is fucking white, I can barely see the mobs lol.

you got wrong .ini on your system

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i folow your guide but i didnt make it work. I play on Interlude server  L2 Warpgate.  If they have antibot protection can some1 pls gimme Interlude rerver  where L2Net works.  I think all the problemis in  the ini file. but i am not sure.  Thx for help

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