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[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]


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again..i didn't "make" any tools included in this step-by-step tut ...i just made the tutorial for all those who couldn't understand the "method" that was provided by sltbnjr..


and the reason this won't work on other chronicles isn't the "version" of bake ice..the packets are different in every chronicle..so you can't use the same reroute we'r using on other chronicles other than interlude..to make it work on higher chronicles ..sltbnjr will have to make another tool to reroute the connection to server for other chronicles ..so its up to him i dunno shiit in coding ;P

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I got a problem with l2fork... I've used walker before on my computer and dunno why I have the following error now:




Translation: The application has failed the correct inicialization (...). Click OK to end the application.



Thx for help..

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this is a one pc method.. easy peazy...


and of course credits to : sltbnjr , adlerbr , thedarkrs for the latest method ;D , me for the guide  ::)


here is a video made by sltbnjr showing you how it works :)




Tools Needed :


1- L2W IG  ( the one am gonna explain) i use 1.79 (1.78 fixed for interlude)

you can get that from :


thanks to " AdlerBR " :)


2- L2asrv v0.51

you can get from :



3-Hosts file

also by " AdlerBR " :)



those are the basics to start botting.. most ppl already have them.. now for by-passing:


4- Proxifier



5-l2 fork


Thanks to " sltbnjr "


or u can download it from here



adlerBR's 4shared drive


or here :



6-l2.ini that connects to ip (



OPTIONAL! : only if you play Dragon Network you gonna need this and wont need l2.ini , and you need a fully updated Dragon Network client .



IMPORTANT: THIS MUST BE IN THE (Walker System Folder).



we will use 2 system folders in out interlude client.. one with bake ice "Bake Ice System Folder" and one with a clean interlude system folder "Clean System Folder" (u can use my system folder if u play in DN)


1st we start with the Proxifier...


1- install the proxifier

2- Start Proxifier




3- that's how it should look




4- now go there:




5- now you should see something like this :




  1) Insert

  2) Insert the port 1999.

  3) Select SOCKS Version 5.

   and press OK.


now you should have the proxy turned ON



6-now proxifier proxy's all your connections on the pc.. to make it only proxy l2.. do the following..










Some servers uses game_guard.des instead of gameguard.des


width=412 height=480http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/3917/48962093gs4.jpg[/img]








7- start l2fork




8- now you need to put the l2.ini into your "Walker System Folder",(Must be a clean system folder without bake ice in it) *if you used normal client system folder with bake ice in it you will get "files corrupted" error *


here is the l2.ini that we will be put in the "Walker System Folder" http://www.mediafire.com/?ydm1y0gjne5

And for ppl who play on Dragon Network ,u can simply use this system folder :)



9- start l2asrv,then the walker (make sure that you have the hosts file in your Walker PC "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc")


10- start l2 normal by using the bake ice launcher .( WHEN YOU START BAKE ICE IT WILL DELETE YOUR HOSTS! BEFORE YOU LOGIN EXTRACT THE HOSTS!!!)


11- enter your id and pw but don't login yet.



12- start the walker from l2.exe located in "Walker System Folder".


13- enter your ID and PW.



14- login on the (Walker Client).


15- select the only server your going to see.


width=286 height=480http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/4308/bakeice10hp9.jpg[/img]


16- go to the (Bake Ice Client) and login.


17- select the server of your choice and wait a sec.


18- now you should see that your client on the (Walker Client) at the character selection screen.


19- select your character (duh).

Happy Botting :)


FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)


Q:does this work on all bake ice servers?

A:Yes, it does ;)


Q: i will have to do all these steps every time i want to bot?

A: no thank god you wont.. after doing all these steps once you won't need to do anything more than the following :

1-start proxifier and l2fork and l2asrv.

2-start bake ice client.

3-extract hosts.

4-start walker client.

5-login walker client and select the Dragon(15x) server (PRESS OK).

6-login bake ice client and select your server .

7-go back to walker client .

8-select your character .

9-Enjoy botting ;D .


Q:I cant get a clean system folder to work on my server (other than DN).

A:Use my system folder,and copy all the .DAT files from your bakeice system to my folder.


Q:Am getting "Hacking tool detected " when i login,what should i do?

A:this could only happen if  your using a clean system folder..clean system folder includes gameguard in it.. so you need gameguard killer DLL's.


Q:i logged in,but i can't do anything with walker !!! halp D:

A:make sure you start bake ice client THEN extract the hosts.


Q:My proxifier blocked all my connection D: , dam you! you screwed my computer!

A:no i didn't, your just blind or stupid .. follow all the steps in the guide,your problem's solution is at step 6.

Q:l2 fork crashes when i start it D: , what should i do?

A:l2fork needs .net framework to work , if you don't have it installed, please go to this link:



Q:I want to open more than one client, i will have to follow the steps all over again?

A:no you won't , only do the following after opening ur 1st client ( AND BAKEICE CLIENT ALREADY OPENED)


1-start walker client.

2-login walker client and select the Dragon(15x) server (PRESS OK).

3-login bake ice client and select your server .

4-go back to walker client .

5-select your character .

6-Enjoy botting ;D .


Q:i get corrupted files when i start walker D:

A:if your not playing in DN , get a clean interlude system folder, and put gameguard killer dll's in it

if you don't have a clean system folder,install interlude and take its system folder.


Q:this shit doesn't work! you suck!

A:and your IQ must be less than 80 if you can't follow a step by step guide. WITH PICTURES!! >.>



1-changed topic name to : ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Dragon-Network)

2-added l2.ini file that connects to (

3-added 25 posts limit to reduce leechers amount a bit

4-added sltbnjr video to the topic to make it MORE clear

5-Added a fully updated system folder that works for DN (Dragon Network).

6-increased the posts needed to view the post to 35 post.

7-added how to proxy l2 only with proxifier.

8-removed posts limit but u must be logged in to view the topic(if admins thinks this should be hidden.. do so)

9-Edited The Guide according to the method by ( thedarkrs ) ty ;D

10- Added FAQ.


If you want to use OOG here is the guide


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I have problem, i can't run walker in frintezza serwer, i got message in walker window "file are corputed" and i dont know what i can do....

I read this guide 1000x but I have still problem with fritneza serwer...

if someone can help me plz, write any guide or any "help post" for me.

i have IG walker not OOG sorry for wrong post.

Thx a lot

and sry for me english.




i need guide in firnteza serwer if someone have walker in this serwer plz help me :)

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I have problem, i can't run walker in frintezza serwer, i got message in walker window "file are corputed" and i dont know what i can do....

I read this guide 1000x but I have still problem with fritneza serwer...

if someone can help me plz, write any guide or any "help post" for me.

i have IG walker not OOG sorry for wrong post.

Thx a lot

and sry for me english.




i need guide in firnteza serwer if someone have walker in this serwer plz help me :)

nah u dont need another guide for Frintezza server, since Zoom did a great job on that already. And that error is probably ur walker system folder. I recommend u to use the system folder from L2mafia and just insert the l2.ini in it (nothing more). Worked fine for meh on Frintezza.
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man wtf.... i fallow all u say up there an when i login on bake ice and select server walker doenst conect but bake ice conect.... why?!!!?

run l2.exe normally. hit crtl+alt+delete. look for gameguard.des or game_guard.des. if its gameguard.des use that file in proxifier. if its game_guard....well suprise!! u use that file in proxifier
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I play in l2gold which is c4 server. when i log with walker guardsystem folder born in my walkersystem folder.

i cant use the clean system folder you give cause is for c6 and i have critical error.

where can i find clean system folder for l2gold c4 server???

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