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Need Tips

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play 1 role

and try to stick to 1 champion.


its a mather of time when you know this champion 100% and it will win you elo ;)

this isnt the best way

if the champion is getting banned often

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As I said. Just learn a bit more about the basics to play AD carries. Even if you don't know shit about this game you'll still get 1800+.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Need  Tips How about win the Ranked games .......while I have feeders in my team .....


It's kinda easy... Just pick a champ which is depended on kills f.g. Katarina, master yi, rengar etc. and get fed before your team mates feed :O


Or find duo que partner... Like me o.O WidokNaXyUw0w - NA server

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Play one of the two carry roles, AP/AD carry. Main it. Or if you're a top lane player, you can go ad mids like Zed, Jayce and Kha'Zix. You can carry in teamfights with those.


You also gotta ward and never rage. Ping them a lot, talk to them.



Edit; Run teleport, forgot about that. Easy ganks, easy way to carry.

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