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About hiimomar

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  1. Obvious scammer. There's no code for underworld TF.
  2. Hello. A friend of mine stopped playing league and gave me his account. It was 2018 elo season 2 and it has platinum cup icon and border. It's also 0-1 in placement matches so that you are good to go! Champions: 65 - Ahri - Akali - Alistar - Amumu - Anivia - Annie - Ashe - Blitzcrank - Caitlyn - Cassiopeia - Cho'Gath - Corki - Darius - Dr. Mundo - Evelynn - Ezreal - Fiddlesticks - Gangplank - Garen - Gragas - Graves - Heimerdinger - Janna - Jax - Karthus - Kassadin - Katarina - Kayle - Lee Sin - Malphite - Master Yi - Morgana - Nasus - Nidalee - Nocturne - Nunu - Orianna - Poppy - Renekton - Riven - Ryze - Shaco - Singed - Sion - Sivir - Soraka - Talon - Taric - Teemo - Tristana - Tryndamere - Twisted Fate - Twitch - Vayne - Veigar - Vladimir - Warwick - Xerath - Xin Zhao - Ziggs - Zilean Skins: - Unchained Alistar - Goth Annie - Nottingham Ezreal - Deadknight Garen - Championship Riven Rune Pages: 9 (It has limited razor runes.) IP: 1611 I did my maths and 2018 season 2 is 1709 elo season 3, but if you buy a boost for the placement matches and make them 9-1 it will be platinum 2-4. Oh, and it has 7 wins left on IP boost. NOTE: Email included. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/FE89U Payment Type: PayPal. Price: I'm looking for $100.
  3. hiimomar


    My offer is €10.
  4. Detailed info of the east account please ?
  5. How much would you take to play 8 placement matches? I'm already 2-0 but I'm getting busy with my exams.
  6. How much would you take to play 8 placement matches? I'm already 2-0 but I'm getting busy with exams and I need someone to play them for me.
  7. Too much accounts to look through and price range doesn't fit me.
  8. This, and anyone here can vouch for you?
  9. You guys on MxC really got issues.. Just because I'm new to this community and don't have a subscription doesn't mean I'm a braindead idiot. Speak nicely, or don't at all. But I guess you're right, just gonna go for gold. You didn't have to be an ass about it..
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