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Hello first of all.

I am Outlaw aka PunkD from the ex SegueWorld and im posting from a friend account since i dont remember my account.

Corruption was present from many sides, too late to enumerate now since the server is over.

Unknownz had a B1 for 1 day maximum and indeed they got "corrupted" regarding some stuff like "items and some other stuff" ( i got the logs from the database and i saw what the B1 char from the Unknownz side did ) Dont try to cover it you have nothing to back up your story.

SGC didnt had a "B1" in fact me Outlaw aka PunkD was the server core developer and the only person with database/host access.

I dont know what this gr33k kid Koza is saying, but hes dumb as a damn whore.

Why the fck you even talk dude ? Really now.... but still lets trash the SW name more so here it goes :

This Koza person was the guy that was providing us a Proxy IP Shield to help us bypass the DDOS attacks, ok i got this. But after that you went up to the paymaster of the server and you asked him for items ( dont deny ) since the paymaster is a retard he accepted to give you anything you wanted, so he told me to give you, how many runes i gave you Koza ? 10 k each colour ? 2nd time more ? how many Gold bars ? 100+ ? How many EWS/EAS ? Should i post screens ? Please shut the -beep- up you retarded cunt you`re trash.

About Yuki , please stop inventing so called logs via msn, thats easy to create in notepad++, Yuki is a SGC and Unknownz reject aka Amon .

Yuki is a dumb -beep- person that had 0 knowledge of L2OFF, he didnt even know how to unhide (lol), i teached him basic commands (same goes for the lol paymaster).

What happened at QA well you people are dumb really now, there was no edit on SGC members regarding "STR" you are quite imbecils to believe that, the damage you took from those 2 people Bounce and Famouz was the alter effect of zerk+cat+bow++ and Shock Blast on target. Still i quite dont give a damn what you people think.

@Kebab : Get lost turk.

@BR : Suicide please.

@Koza : Get back to reality kiddo your texts that you pasted are fake you wrote them down in notepad, if you would have had proofs you would have posted screens of the logs, plus we never invited such random as you speak in SGC in SW. Lie exposed ( i can even confront the database if you want to face me )

@Kafsof : I ran the server, i made it i closed it, how can someone kick me from a staff when the server does not exist anymore ?

B1tch please.


@Topic : Server is closed, i've shut it down and removed my files from the host. SQL was wiped and machine shut down.

Find another server scrubs.


here we are!

moar please!!












ps: sry for double post but I couldn't ahahahahhaahahahah

Neah is not corruption from My side.

Cuz i Protect His server with 30% Discount.

That Stones in Donate Costing 10 euro.

30% Of DDOS Protection Its 100 Euro so ? .


[23/11/2012 7:44:00 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: emas enas friend mas milise me outlaw

[23/11/2012 7:44:05 μμ] kOzA barney: kai na fadastis 1 bp eixame nob

[23/11/2012 7:44:06 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai htan sto gm team

[23/11/2012 7:44:20 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai aftos tous entuse

[23/11/2012 7:44:32 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai extes me ta pedia p pezw molis to ma8ame

[23/11/2012 7:44:42 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: spammarame sgc corrupt 2012 sto shout giran

[23/11/2012 7:44:52 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai mas eskase se olous chat ban 999999mins

[23/11/2012 7:45:14 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: meta kaname shop  me afto pali na grafei sto tittle

[23/11/2012 7:45:23 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai fagame oloi jail 4ever

[23/11/2012 7:45:29 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: xaxaxa fail s lew

[23/11/2012 7:46:00 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: k mas estelne pm o yeathepro k mas elege re dn eine etsi kai vghke apo gm o outlaw k dn eimaste corrupt mhn grafete malakies sto shout

[23/11/2012 7:46:07 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: x0a0xa0x s lew gmst

[23/11/2012 8:00:38 μμ] kOzA barney: axaxaxaxaa

[23/11/2012 8:00:53 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: diavasa kai twra molis sto mxc ta teleutaia post

[23/11/2012 8:01:01 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kala entaksei sigoura dn htan corrupt xaxaxa

[23/11/2012 8:01:09 μμ] kOzA barney: file

[23/11/2012 8:01:10 μμ] kOzA barney: afta

[23/11/2012 8:01:11 μμ] kOzA barney: ta

[23/11/2012 8:01:12 μμ] kOzA barney: stones

[23/11/2012 8:01:13 μμ] kOzA barney: kanane

[23/11/2012 8:01:14 μμ] kOzA barney: 10

[23/11/2012 8:01:14 μμ] kOzA barney: euro

[23/11/2012 8:01:17 μμ] kOzA barney: donate

[23/11/2012 8:01:17 μμ] kOzA barney: egw

[23/11/2012 8:01:18 μμ] kOzA barney: apo

[23/11/2012 8:01:19 μμ] kOzA barney: 300

[23/11/2012 8:01:19 μμ] kOzA barney: euro

[23/11/2012 8:01:20 μμ] kOzA barney: ta

[23/11/2012 8:01:21 μμ] kOzA barney: protections

[23/11/2012 8:01:25 μμ] kOzA barney: tou ta edosa

[23/11/2012 8:01:25 μμ] kOzA barney: 200

[23/11/2012 8:01:43 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: nai re to kserw sta @@ s re dn eine corrupt afto afou mporouses kai na ta donate

[23/11/2012 8:01:47 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: dld an epernes ta lefta s

[23/11/2012 8:01:51 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: kai meta ta ekanes donate

[23/11/2012 8:01:55 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: 8a htan corrupt?

[23/11/2012 8:02:00 μμ] kostakis7  {TrInTy}: gamhse tous re


CAPTAINOWN IS ADMIn there and why you thin l2g-oldschool(same server)closed?

corrupted admin is corruped



CAPTAINOWN IS ADMIn there and why you thin l2g-oldschool(same server)closed?

corrupted admin is corruped


l2g-oldschool was c4


l2 old school gracia client


read maybe MAL



and u thing c4 one closed by corruption? omg




CAPTAINOWN IS ADMIn there and why you thin l2g-oldschool(same server)closed?

corrupted admin is corruped



show screen shot, video, or chat logs

or just stfu


Aide re file ekeipera, tosa post prin olo eleges gia tous allous corruption dn e3igite alliws k aidies, kai twra p se piasame malaka ta gyrizeis "a m dwsan tosa gold bar, tosa weapon, tosa rune, e mwre dn einai diaf8ora ayto siga" oi alloi oi normal players einai malakes p farmroun san zwa gia meres gia na bgaloun 2 stoles


tolmas re file k katigoreis tous allous gia diaf8ora ti stigmi p esena ton idio se boi8isan oi gms reee? xestika ti s dwsan k posa, parigories gia sena einai ayta ta "siga ti m dwsan, k gw tous edwsa protection",  ti synenoiseis kanete eseis re stokoi epireazei olous toys paixtes, aide egwkedrika zwa ola sas




Aide re file ekeipera, tosa post prin olo eleges gia tous allous corruption dn e3igite alliws k aidies, kai twra p se piasame -beep-a ta gyrizeis "a m dwsan tosa gold bar, tosa weapon, tosa rune, e mwre dn einai diaf8ora ayto siga" oi alloi oi normal players einai -beep-es p farmroun san zwa gia meres gia na bgaloun 2 stoles


tolmas re file k katigoreis tous allous gia diaf8ora ti stigmi p esena ton idio se boi8isan oi gms reee? xestika ti s dwsan k posa, parigories gia sena einai ayta ta "siga ti m dwsan, k gw tous edwsa protection",  ti synenoiseis kanete eseis re stokoi epireazei olous toys paixtes, aide egwkedrika zwa ola sas



na kai ena swsto palikari, gia su re mastora!


l2g-oldschool was c4


l2 old school gracia client


read maybe MAL



and u thing c4 one closed by corruption? omg


u nab this is gracia final but everythig is like c4 u tard

gtfo go play this server

this server is a copy of l2gold in gracia final chronicle omg why i always have to speak with retarded piece of shits that dont understand a thing

check google for ss fucking idiot


You see there they even self pwn,the guy that had admin wasnt even playing with unKnownZ and he just played like 2 hours,after that you raged hard and i gave you guys last chance to stop the corruption and the advantage in the pvp fights with those STR edits and etc,well you did again so i had to show the truth to everyone,have fun guys.


Btw this guy is routlaw from SuchGr33kCarpets clan aka sgc. Enjoy


"Yuki is a SGC and Unknownz reject aka Amon."  a TF reject as well.


@k0za, fukin dumass, 500 mantras cost 5 donation coins 5 (5 euro), how in god's name can 10.000 mantras cost 10 euro?


*N0TMYACCOUNT* sincerely yours,




Aide re file ekeipera, tosa post prin olo eleges gia tous allous corruption dn e3igite alliws k aidies, kai twra p se piasame -beep-a ta gyrizeis "a m dwsan tosa gold bar, tosa weapon, tosa rune, e mwre dn einai diaf8ora ayto siga" oi alloi oi normal players einai -beep-es p farmroun san zwa gia meres gia na bgaloun 2 stoles


tolmas re file k katigoreis tous allous gia diaf8ora ti stigmi p esena ton idio se boi8isan oi gms reee? xestika ti s dwsan k posa, parigories gia sena einai ayta ta "siga ti m dwsan, k gw tous edwsa protection",  ti synenoiseis kanete eseis re stokoi epireazei olous toys paixtes, aide egwkedrika zwa ola sas

u kid.

10k Stones edose kai 10 Gb = 10 Euro Donate

Egw edosa ston server Protections pou epezes toses meres apo 300 euro = 200.

Katalavenis tora ?

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