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[L2J] L2Mars Freya Custom PvP Server / Launch Date: 3/11/2012

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As I am reading this topic, some players was saying that is a BR server... Well I don't think so, this server has a great custom things!

I really enjoy!

Other thing I want to say here, guys if you don't like "CUSTOMS" servers, why you guys are criticizing this server ?



well thank you for your nice things, but if you say that the server is great right now, then u will actually love the LIVE server. cause not even half features have been shown :)


If you wish so, tell me your ingame name here in pm. and dont forget to report bugs and suggest things.


Kind Regards, [GM]Sky.


another l2goal /l2revolt  / l2revelation / l2l2canyon / l2wargate / l2pride  Project !!!!!!!!!!!!!! unbalanced class / bug ass hell / ddos frist day from l2wargate


i think max 3 weeks Good Luck

+1 This will be the same server like every pride copy.

As you can see in our changelog, we have done many changes in this testserver. Thanks to everybody who participated and helped me to do this..

Guys, if you wanna try out this server before the LIVE Server. please do it now cause it's your chance ;)


Dont forget, Helpers will get rewarded.


Its not like l2 Canyon, it is l2canyon, if you write www.l2canyon.com it opens l2mars.com instead ,

I wont even try the server, for me its embarasing closing your server after geting so much money from donations and reopen it with different name and even owner's different name, Good job anyway


Sorceri you re-open l2canyon for 1 more time with different name ... you will get again 20ppl online  get a life dude ... you will NEVER make a stable plus balance server .


Guys if you don't know what happened please just don't judge me.

@ SirRoyal, i didnt just close a server which i got money from. The fact is that someone bypassed my protection and decrypted my database passwords, so the server got fked.


The donations aren't lost. They are LOGGED so they will be refunded when the right time comes.



@woofer , not even worth it to answer.



Anyway this server is cool right now (not my opinion, but what the community says). So, whoever likes it, just join us!


Its not like l2 Canyon, it is l2canyon, if you write www.l2canyon.com it opens l2mars.com instead ,

I wont even try the server, for me its embarasing closing your server after geting so much money from donations and reopen it with different name and even owner's different name, Good job anyway


+1 This will be the same server like every pride copy.



ahhaha pride?????  no1 server can be L2pride  anyway 7333 re-open xd


Not even worth to answer me ? Sky aka eko aka sorceri aka failnoob you had in your team 4 corrupted GMs , they made their alt OP and they fked up the server . You "kicked them" but they still had their gm power ... for example Psyko you kicked him from GM team ( Blaze) he took pk he droped his rykros items and after 10 secs he summoned them back . Keep combarsing .....


Well he is still saying the truth, u demoted me from forum mod and later on banned me cause i said the truth that the "new gm" was no1 else than one of the players.



Its not like l2 Canyon, it is l2canyon, if you write www.l2canyon.com it opens l2mars.com instead ,

I wont even try the server, for me its embarasing closing your server after geting so much money from donations and reopen it with different name and even owner's different name, Good job anyway

And you will do good my friend. After Sorceri's 5th server failure he gave another name to his shit and keeps up fthe failing etc etc.

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