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[C6] Unique Customs Pack!


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[1] 750bfff12418.jpg


[2] 3b199ff53f0e.jpg


[3] a3ea88044ebd.jpg


[4] 0c74f0b8ed71.jpg


[5] ad4094bdfe11.jpg


[6] 8ba2250e6141.jpg


[7] 8e3f08cbb67c.jpg


[8] 47f450d0e998.jpg


[9] 1a6d394f07c2.jpg


[10] 4432f3087074.jpg


[11] f7a25a86077d.jpg


[12] feb43b4733ed.jpg


[13] 4bdb11f3be6e.jpg


Here is an custom collection of npcs/items/textures and other stuff.


If you want any of those above, just pm me with the number(s) you want and I will pm you back with download links.


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Good job, Valve.


But yeah most of them are already shared.


there are like just 4 of them that are already shared but dead links, what I have it's from my own PC and from russian sites long time ago.

I would like 2 and 8


pm sent

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there are like just 4 of them that are already shared but dead links, what I have it's from my own PC and from russian sites long time ago.

pm sent

Thanks, your topic it's just awesome!!!


P.S: I give you +1 REP for this great share!


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111 is the Npc....do u think that this is armor?... its nice i wanna have it too :)

I'm sure it's armor cause the helmet is already shared so armor exist too for sure.We just have to wait Munch to share it :D
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