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GRAND OPENING:14 September.Join the forum for more news.Call your friends and clannies to celebrate this event all together at Friday 14th of september.! 18:00 GMT +1..


Official Features:


* All areas working,

* All skills working,

* Olympiad working,

* Geodata working,

* Fusion skills working,

* 7-Sings working,

* Clan system working,

* Augumentation system working,

* Single and party duel working,

* Cursed weapons working,

* Castle sieges working,

* Clan Hall sieges working,

* 24 buff slots,


Custom Features:


* Ant Queen and Zaken level 80,

* Buffs are 1 hours, except COV/POW/POF/POW that are retail,

* Most of spawns protected (peace zone / silence),

* NPC Buffers (all 2nd class buffs/dances/songs for free),

* Global Gatekeepers (all teleports are free),

* Auto learn skills (you get skills after reaching right level),

* Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs),

* Giran as shopping zone (all needed NPCs can be found there),

* Class Changer can be found at Giran to change your 1nd , 2nd and 3rd class,

* Still under construction

* Epic raids will be available after 1 week after live. ( Epic raids respawn will be 2 times faster than retail ),

* Heroes will be elected by olympiad every 2 weeks ,

* There is no EXP penality for leveling lowbies,

* Stay tunned for more updates .


Photos Of The Server/NPCs Can Be Found Here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250436.15





Join us Today|More Info At Forum(Register And Suggest Your Own Opinions!)


I know i just wanted to make it more fancy and a lot of people doesnt check that section that's why im posting it here too..1 Moderator please delete the senseless posts.Keep it clean guys.


Yes there will be tatoos.They will be BALANCED with slightly increased stats and also obtainable hard..about custom armor we dk yet..Please browse the forum in order to see the other suggestions and vote if u like them or not..You will get more info by registering there :).!


And YES!The first official event of Synergy is officially running!Everybody must join.Its a great oppurtunity to get a little bonus when you start on the server!!!


Link For The Event: http://forum.lineage2synergy.com/index.php?topic=26.0


P.S Sorry for double-posting




:) .. You heard it now tho..No reason to lie..This server trully existed.For more info join our forum.

I never heard it either.How come it's "legendary"?38 members on forums.No website.Yeah so "LEGENDARY"

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