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[Share]Break Your Movement Limits!

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What if you wanted to go in a deep place, like the nobless ports, but you arent a nobless? The answear is here!


In a few servers with a less stable geodata you can get to deep places easily.


Simple, ask a nobless to port the place you need to go, and before he port you put autofolow on him, result: You will see everything in the town disapear which mean u arent there anymore, restart client and you will be in a new place.


This is not accurate for every port, but per example the Forge of Gods LowerLevel port works 100% like i said, others like imperial tomb will make the folower go by foot crossing walls etc, so, not very useful. Try by yourself porting different places and remember that geodata can be good enough to block your bugging :P Have fun


but it's chance to stuck in (f.e.) walls;p

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