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First of all you didn't understand nor read the post if you think it's another L2J pack. Re-read it once again until you understand it. The first sentence describes the whole project, and aCis as any pack and emulator game could eventually benefit of that work aswell, depending Excalibur project.


Second, the guy got enough dev talent to make it, we spoke via PMs before he begun that project and he got my approbation to use my pack aswell.


Third, he will use aCis free revisions, and he chose aCis as he could chose another pack. He simply see we're active and our community got knowledge on many points. So I'm sorry for eventual leechers who thought to join only for source code (maximilion2 you're ridiculous as always), get lost.

Guest Elfocrash

First of all you didn't understand nor read the post if you think it's another L2J pack. Re-read it once again until you understand it. The first sentence describes the whole project, and aCis as any pack and emulator game could eventually benefit of that work aswell, depending Excalibur project.


Second, the guy got enough dev talent to make it, we spoke via PMs before he begun that project and he got my approbation to use my pack aswell.


Third, he will use aCis free revisions, and he chose aCis as he could chose another pack. He simply see we're active and our community got knowledge on many points. So I'm sorry for eventual leechers who thought to join only for source code (maximilion2 you're ridiculous as always), get lost.

sad. no drama here :(


so you want to use the same server for L2, Aion, and WoW? interesting. I'm sure that I'll check this project later :)

Not the same server, as there are differences between a wow and aion server (packets, login protocol, and such), but common things than servers obviously share : MMOCore, LS/GS, data loading structures, etc. A united framework, as said.


Currently the owner aims to make it for existing emulators, but the plan is probably to make it as a base for any future MMO emulator. You put data, packet structures, code game features, and it's ok.


I'm not involved by the project administration myself, but if it works well it will probably change a lot of things for MMO emulators.


First of all you didn't understand nor read the post if you think it's another L2J pack. Re-read it once again until you understand it. The first sentence describes the whole project, and aCis as any pack and emulator game could eventually benefit of that work aswell, depending Excalibur project.


Second, the guy got enough dev talent to make it, we spoke via PMs before he begun that project and he got my approbation to use my pack aswell.


Third, he will use aCis free revisions, and he chose aCis as he could chose another pack. He simply see we're active and our community got knowledge on many points. So I'm sorry for eventual leechers who thought to join only for source code (maximilion2 you're ridiculous as always), get lost.


damn you reveal my secret plans 0.o

come on if i want acis last rev i can take it with 10 euros so not my goal -_-"


^^  i think if you want last acis  rev  u  can code it  ^^

Says the guy who can't adapt a TvT event.


Stop offtopic now, because when I can't directly clean topic anymore, I can dekarma.


Says the guy who can't adapt a TvT event.


Stop offtopic now, because when I can't directly clean topic anymore, I can dekarma.


like I said  before i can add ready  code to  core  *_* im not  a  coder  and i think the same  about  him end  story


@dony - The idea is interesting, however, why not simply join Genesis since its everything you are referring to, except its quality is assured since its made by the best in business.


genesis is dead lol?

Not forcefully true.

Check our main page and its announcement.

Anyway in a way it is, I guess that if we have one or two more full time volunteers the project may go on.

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