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Genereal Info & Rules





All you have to do is reply with a short guide about a certain champion. When the event ends the judges will decide which one was the best and award the winner!





- Only 1 entry per member is allowed.

- The guide must be yours.

- You are not allowed to c/p a guide you've written in the past.

- You are allowed to edit your guide, but you have to inform us that you did so by replying in this topic

- Commenting on any guide is not allowed.

- English ONLY.














1 LoL award.














Fortuna, Finito, Noble®













Here is an example of a short champion guide just to help you out...










Role: Jungler, support

Summoner Spells: Revive/Teleport when playing as a jungler. Clarity/Teleport when playing as a support

Masteries: 0/0/30 (post a screenshot also)

Runes: Mana regen Marks, Mana regen Seals, Mana regen Glyphs, Mana regen Quintessences

Items: Boots of Mobility + 5x Archangel Staffs when jungling. Boots of Mobility + 5x Manamunes when playing as a support

Skill Order: W>E>Q>R

General tips: When jungling I like to start at the blue buff and then run to the enemy jungle to make sure that the enemy jungler will draw First Blood. After I die, I immediately use revive and teleport to mid so that I can give another kill to the enemy mid laner. In team fights I like to run in first, place a ward, die, use Revive, then use Teleport on the ward I placed and die once more!

When playing as a support I like to buy wards just to jump on them with my E. You shouldn't ward outside of the lane, because this way you'll know when you're about to get ganked. This game is not fun if there are no surprises!

























Good Luck!







Previous Events



Week 1 (Winner: Vendetta*V*)




Role: Carry

Summoner Spells: Flash heal/ignite

Masteries: 21/9/0 35k4tah.png


Items:Berserker's Greaves(Boots),Infinity edge, phatom dancer, The Bloodthirster,Guardian angel,and maybe a second,

Skill Order:W>Q>E>R

General tips: When u are in teamfight try R>Q so u will be insible and try stun on wall ur enemy,

a combo i always use it on my lane its hide in brush at bot lane and press R>Q so im invisible and i stun 100% my enemy carry and then me with my support kill them.






Dr.Mundo ...! Crazy DoCtor


Role:Jungler Of Course

Summoner Spells:smite.pngexhaust.png


Runes:greater-mark-of-insight.pngGreater Mark of Insight 9 greater-glyph-of-shielding.pngGreater Glyph of Shielding 9 greater-quintessence-of-swiftness.pngGreater Quintessence of Swiftness 9 greater-seal-of-resilience.pngGreater Seal of Resilience 9

Early Game/Starting Items:dorans-shield.gifregrowth-pendant.gifcloth-armor.gifboots-of-speed.gifhealth-potion.gif


Skill Order: E-W-Q-R

General tips:A useful tip would be to use your cleavers to check the brushes instead of running in blindly. When your cleaver hits something, it makes a distinctive sound.


Use cleavers to pull/check monster camps from over a wall. This way, the monsters start running at you, saving you one or two seconds of walking up to them and therefor speeding up your jungling.


Cleaver kills Dragon/Baron fast, thanks to its build in percentage damage. Use this to your advantage.




Role: Jungle

Spells: Flash/Smite <--> Smite/Flash





5273.png / Greater Mark of Insight(+95 m.pen) x9

5317.png / Greater Seal of Resilience (+1.41 armor) x9

5289.png / Greater Glyph of Warding (+1.34 m.res) x9

5365.png / Greater Quintessence of Swiftness (+1.5% movement spd.) x3



Items: start with a cloth armor  then buy boots and transform cloth armor into madred's razor then buy Sorcerer's Shoes after these items collect some gold and make Madred's Bloodrazor & Wit's End after these items Frozen Mallet and then buy some tanky items , i suggest you Sunfire Cape , Guardian Angel or maybe some magic resist (depends on enemies champions).



Skill Order:unlock your Q on 1 level , W on 2 level and E on 3 level , then make sure that you level up your Q  then W and last E , don't forget to level up your ulti  it will be really helpful.



General Tips: As you know warwick needs a lot of mana and some speed , he is a slow gangker at low levels till his ulti , in order to make gangs the enemies should push your lanes so you and ur mates will trap them , when you reach 6 lvl and u have unlocked ultimate it will be easy for you to collect kills but carefully dont go like a pig into gangs , make sure that you are safe and you can kick his a ss , continue like this and don't forget to farm a lot , at late game you will be a strong wolf and you will be a little tanky so you can make some damage and tank a little.

ps.: Don't use your Q when you have full hp since you won't drain a shit and it will be on cd when you need it.

ps2.: Use your ulti on carries since warwick is a good anti-carry in teamfights aswell.

ps3*.: When you are about to gang someone who has low hp don't go with your E open go on spy mode and kill him otherwise he will kill you instead or get into a safe place.  ;)





Champion: Singed

Role: Solo Top

Summoner Spells: Ghost / Ignite * Teleport

Masteries: 1/8/21

Runes: Magic Penetration Marks / Armor Seals / Magic Resist Glyphs / Ability Power Quintessences

Items: Boots of Swiftness > Catalyst the Protector > Rod of Ages > Force of Nature > Rylai's Crystal Scepter > Banshee's Veil * Thornmail > Rabadon's Deathcap

Skill Order:  E>Q>W (After you get all three maximize Q). [Ultimate when possible]

General tips:

  • Without mana regen runes, you're gonna run out of mana in no time without Catalyst the Protector, so use your skills only in combat [Last hittin Creeps]
  • When your jungler comes top, try to drop your [W] in a way that your enemy will have to cross the whole affected area or change his direction in order to avoid it
  • After getting your Force of Nature you will be able to low and confuse your enemies with your W>Q>E combo so it will be easy for your mates to get them.
  • With your ulty active it's more than easy to dive towers and run into more than one enemies.
  • By using your Fling "Q" you can interrupt channeled abilities.


[ - * - > Depends on enemy team]



Masteries Screenshot




Guys, please try to make your guides look like the one in the example I showed or like Vege's and CarmineAngelo. We only need images for the masteries. Avoid using too many or huge images, cause they make your guide painful to read.



Also, according to the rules mentioned in the first post, you are not allowed to c/p anything from elsewhere, no matter if it's taken from a guide you've written yourself in the past.



1.Εγώ μπορώ να ξαναμπώ στον διαγωνισμό?

2.Το Reward μ πότε θα το πάρω?


[GR]1. Ναι.

2. Όταν φτιαχτεί το bug με τα awards.


i participate for FUN

this guide is OUT of the competition and out of awards


Captain Teemo


Role: Top/Ruining Enemy jungler(and his gangs) along with the enemy top melee easily.

Summoner Spells:Flash / Ignite (for safety reasons and finishing enemies)

Masteries: 21-9-0(for Health Regen and defence) or 21-0-9(for ms and eggs/shrooms) , my main is 21-0-9


Runes: Armor pen or AD flat  Marks (Magic Pen for more fun)/ Armor Seals / MR/lvl or flat Glyphs/ Movement Speed Quints or Lifesteal

Items: Berz,Mallet,Ionian Spark or Wits End,Malady,Guardians,Lattern or Bloodthirster

Skill Order: Learning orderE-->W-->Q-->R

General tips: you re dead vs Blinkers(irelia,Wukong,)Morde,Vlad etc if youre NOT familiar.

Great pick for "Blind picks". most probably you ll not get countered.

Captain Teemo is devastating vs Lee,Olaf,Jax,Malph and most of the melees bruisers.



Role:Solo Top

Spells:Flash -Ingite


Runes:Greater Mark of Desolation/Greater Seal of Resilience/Greater Glyph of Force/Greater Quintessence of Strength

Items:Sorcerer's Shoes/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Zhonya's Hourglass/Will of the Ancients/ Rabadon's Deathcap/Abyssal Scepter -GA


General tips: Try to poke ur enemy with Q and W(Hit),Hold ur E  to escape  enemy gank,At team fights flash in and focus enemy ad/ap carry with ur ulti(Ofc u need Hourglass for that)


I just noticed this one.


- You are allowed to edit your guide, but you have to inform us that you did so by replying in this topic-


So i wanted to inform you that i made some changes.

*Added colors @ Skill order

*Hyperlinks @Skill orded

*Few changed @ General Tips




Garen, the Might of Demacia


Role: Solo-top/Tank







  • 5335.png Greater Quintessence of Strength x3
  • 5289.png Greater Glyph of Warding  x9
  • 5317.png Greater Seal of Resilience  x9
  • 5253.png Greater Mark of Desolation x9


3009.png Or 3047.png

[depends on enemy]









  • Don't play aggresive,and farm a lot for W's passive
  • Silence your enemy with Q
  • buy wards for your safety
  • make the sence to your enemy that he can kill you,and trick him with your ultie


Really glad that the event is growing in popularity! This time judging who would be the winner was a much tougher decision, but we finally agreed on VeGe's Singed guide!




Next event starts tomorrow.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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