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Team introduction/Members receruitment



Team Name:

ESL link:



Roles needed:

Average elo/Ranked team elo:


Practise program:


Competitive scene presense and achievements:









Looking for team






Name in-game:

Hours online:


Main roles/champions:

Past teams (if you had any):

Reasons why you left or got kicked from your previous teams (if you had any):

Competitive scene experience:

What do you expect from your team?:

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Looking for team



Age: 14

Server: Nordic & East

Name in-game: MPGER

Hours online: Mutch

Competitive scene experience:

What do you expect from your team?: Team-Play,

I search only greek players.

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Age: 17

Nationality: Greek

Server: EU Nordic & East

Name in-game: Revehell

Hours online: 5Hours per day

Elo: 900 (have only 17 games though and solo queue)

Main roles/champions: I can play whatever the team wants.From Solo mid to support.My main rolo is either solo mid or ad carry anyway.

Past teams (if you had any): -

Reasons why you left or got kicked from your previous teams (if you had any): -

Competitive scene experience: Dafuq this means?

What do you expect from your team?:Just to have fun while i learn more near them.

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Server: EU Nordic & East

Name in-game: DaRkBullxD

Hours online: 3-5 hours per day

Elo: solo 1453/ 3vs3 1302

Main roles/champions:i can play all the champions but i prefer mid or jungle

Past teams (if you had any):

Reasons why you left or got kicked from your previous teams (if you had any): my team can't be online many times

Competitive scene experience:

What do you expect from your team?: i want a team to have fun and get more elo.i can help them and the same from them .

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Age: 20

Nationality: Netherlands

Server: EUW

Name in-game: LuckyBastart

Hours online: whenever i feel like

Elo: ~1700

Main roles/champions: Jungle (Can jungle almost any posible jungler) (best: Udyr/Nocturne/Lee-Sin)

Past teams (if you had any): Team Happy Dutch (still on it, looking for 2nd)

Reasons why you left or got kicked from your previous teams (if you had any): Just looking for 2nd team.

Competitive scene experience: competed in GO4LoL, we passed the first 2 rounds.

What do you expect from your team?: Active when needed, Practice alot, Mature, atleast 18+

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Looking for team






Name in-game:rEn0m

Hours online:2-4per day

Elo:1250 :D

Main roles/champions: AD carry/solo/jungle

Past teams (if you had any):--

Reasons why you left or got kicked from your previous teams (if you had any):--

Competitive scene experience:Tournament in our net..:P

What do you expect from your team?:Team Game

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