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[Collection][Share]11 NPCs for High Five

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Hello MaxCheaters,


I know there are a lot of shares for NPCs but I think mine will be the best! Why? Here is what my collection has:


GM Shop

PK Guard

Warehouse Manager

Augmentation Manager

Buffer (Not Scheme)

NPC Informer


All of these are from *NeverMore* but edited by me. What did I edit?

Typos/Small fixes/Forgotten Scrolls multisells


Also I have a lot of Scripted NPCs:

Noblesse Manager

Top List Manager

Title Color Manager

Auto Enchanter


These I doubt are from *NeverMore* but he shared them so (all except Auto Enchanter). Again edited...

HTML fixes/Typos/IDs changed.


Still don't think my could be the best one? I have tested them and all are working except for the Heal/Cancel options of the buffer! Also I will be adding requests and fixes etc etc. I will be updating as well.

Also I am planning to add a new design at the HTMLs a unique one! Tested on my server's GK soon will be added to these NPCs.



Version 1.1:

  • Added npcaidata to SQL
  • Changed templates of many NPCs
  • Fixed Guard *Forgot to make him L2Guard instance and increased his stats*
  • Fixed Toplist
  • Fixed Auto-Enchanter
  • Fixed Noblesse Manager
  • Fixed Title Colour NPC
  • Added images on site



New Templates:


How it looks on Console:



Enough talk here is the download link:

Download on Mediafire v1.1


Rar pass: DeathSpank210


More screenshots to be added!


Any bug found? Any suggestion to add something? Just write in a comment!


Credits: *NeverMore* and ??? (for Auto-Enchanter I don't know who..) (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=236260.0)

Edits: All fixes blah blah blah by me!





PS Hiding because it was quite the work for me...

PSS I know that 2 options of the buffer aren't working.

PSSS I will be on holidays so no fixes till middle of august!

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so you improve my npc's ?


lets see ....

I will try :) Also I didn't like your shares due to 3 reasons:

1) Rar pass (Had to look through posts in order to find the right one)

2) Incompletence for example GM Shop for High five didn't have the multisells of FS and although it was posted several times no changes.

3) A LOT of typos. Well I am lazy too to watch over them but I will do it.


Also by this share I am not trying to prove anything just re-share your great work with the necessary fixes. Also it's just ALL of your npcs in one rar ;) Hope you didn't get it wrong.



NOTE: I will be away from tuesday morning so won't fix anything until anything. I might make a small update tomorrow also with pics etc.

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First post is also updated. And new links up!


Here is the changelog:

  • Added npcaidata to SQL
  • Changed templates of many NPCs
  • Fixed Guard *Forgot to make him L2Guard instance and increased his stats*
  • Fixed Toplist
  • Fixed Auto-Enchanter
  • Fixed Noblesse Manager
  • Fixed Title Colour NPC
  • Added images on site


Have fun and I am looking forward for you feedback!

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