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Your geodata is absolutely horrible! 2/4 mobs cannot see target.

If you're not a melee class good luck grinding....


i can only said every geodata has it pros and cons , even paid geodata (which is the one we are using)

having some issue in some small areas such as the area behind devasted castle.

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how hard its to get stazis interlude geodata, do some search its easy to find..


like i said in the previous post we are checking some geodatas and the one who most fits to our pack will be used, since not geodata what matters but geo engine of the pack...

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bad server lots of bugs..no reason to play someone here,just to check bugs and hacks..!

Wow you're fast, ~10 minutes after getting banned you're already here posting lies :)

Too bad not everyone who really plays on this server does the same.

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Here are our recent changelist, every day we are getting closer and closer to L2OFF.

this is only a small part of the changelist, for the rest of them visit our forum at




* players can now teleport to towns that are in siege

* Event from now on is every 2 hours

* Added antharas/valakas circlets drops

* Added anti buff shield

* Fixed castle NPCs privilges

* Added extract one & extract all options when opening an extractable item

* Increased raid bosses target choosing interval, this means they will change targets less often

* Fixed bluff

* Cursed fear now appears as a debuff (10 sec timer)

* Removed scorebar from events

* Small fix to littleWing quest

* Fixed a small problem with achievements engine

* Added lucky chests event

* Changed some quest rates

* Added missing quests special liqour delivery, seductive whispers and game of cards

* fixed freezes issue

* Fixed rift.

* removed level cap from beast farm quest


Cursed weapon changes

* From now on cursed weapons duration is 5h

* It no longer levels up when killing pets

* If the cursed weapon is not active for 1h (not killing a player for instance) it'll disappear.

* The owner of cursed weapons can now use the global gatekeeper to teleport

* The owner of cursed weapons can now get buffed

* Lowered drop chance

* Fixed mass summon cubic skills distance

* When events ends players will be teleported out imediately

* new pigs event added

* Fixed harvest skill

* Fixed mass summon cubic skills range

* Made some changes to rewards manager

* Fixed an issue with cursed weapons

* Fixed a couple of wrong augment skills

* Fixed issue with Golden ram quest which made zero hour not work for some players

* Added Russian Roulette and Simon Says

* Added a screen message on every event start explaining what needs to be done in the event.

* Fixed erase inside events

* Fixed stucking issue when using AoE skills inside events

* Added box of luck to event trader

* Removed a check on party when hitting varkas/ketras while in their ally, now a check is done only on player

* Added buffing option on the event manager, from now on players will be able to choose buffs and whenever event starts they will enter with these buffs they have chosen.

* Players can set a bufftemplate for each of their subclass, the bufftemplates are getting saved in the database.

* Fixed an issue with baium quest

* New characters now start full buffed

* Added protections to olympiad to prevent feeding, no details on how the new protections works to avoid people trying to find ways around them.

* Fixed shift+click action, now can be used to get target and not move if missed

* Replaced current droplist with L2OFF one, ~3,000 new drops have been added.

* NPCs are no longer attackable inside towns

* Summons stats has been reworked again, taking another step closer to L2OFF stats, if you find anything wrong, report.

* Replaced geodata files with new ones.

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