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[help]Small Error



Hi  Any One Can Help Me And Say How to Fix It?


Here Is Error:


The method setFile(String, String) in the type NpcHtmlMessage is not applicable for the arguments (String)

Last Version  L2jServer H5

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add this to npchtmlmsg.java


public boolean setFile(String path)
	String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(path);

	if(content == null)
		setHtml("<html><body>My Text is missing:<br>" + path + "</body></html>");
		_log.warning("missing html page " + path);
		return false;

	// TODO Auto-generated method stub

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public boolean getHtm    on htmcache :P


yep he is right my bad, but after that you should be able to make it work, also i think eclipse can help you out to do that :)

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Drop whatever you did previously to fix the error, and edit line for this one.


html.setFile(player.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/report.htm");

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Ahh Thx Tryskell i have only 1 queston  u can help me on priome shop problem ?  becouse i add it (H5) and when i log to game i no have items on that shop but on GS i no have error

here is files

GS: http://pastebin.com/ZS3qiTh8

DP: http://pastebin.com/7xhuGtCQ

and  screen


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Ahh Thx Tryskell i have only 1 queston  u can help me on priome shop problem ?  becouse i add it (H5) and when i log to game i no have items on that shop but on GS i no have error

here is files

GS: http://pastebin.com/ZS3qiTh8

DP: http://pastebin.com/7xhuGtCQ

and  screen



Just take a look at DP part , if you done all . I'm not sure about this aspect .

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I think it's about sql or datapack :


+-- ----------------------------
+-- Table structure for `product_items`
+-- ----------------------------
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_items`;
+CREATE TABLE `product_items` (
+  `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
+  `name` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
+  `category` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '5',
+  `points` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
+  PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`)
+-- ----------------------------
+-- Records of product_items
+-- ----------------------------
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1050021', 'Powerful Healing Potion', '2', '3');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1050022', 'High-grade Healing Potion', '2', '1');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080001', 'Small fortuna box', '2', '200');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080002', 'Middle fortuna box', '2', '270');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080003', 'Large fortuna box', '2', '405');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080004', 'Small fortuna cube', '2', '81');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080005', 'Middle fortuna cube', '2', '216');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080006', 'Large fortuna cube', '2', '324');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080009', 'Secret medicine of Will - D grade', '2', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080010', 'Secret medicine of Will - C grade', '2', '13');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080011', 'Secret medicine of Will - B grade', '2', '22');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080012', 'Secret medicine of Will - A grade', '2', '34');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080013', 'Secret medicine of Will - S grade', '2', '49');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080014', 'Secret medicine of Life - D grade', '2', '10');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080015', 'Secret medicine of Life - C grade', '2', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080016', 'Secret medicine of Life - B grade', '2', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080017', 'Secret medicine of Life - A grade', '2', '85');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080018', 'Secret medicine of Life - S grade', '2', '122');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080019', 'Potion of Will', '2', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080021', 'Wind Walk Scroll', '5', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080022', 'Haste Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080023', 'Might Scroll', '2', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080024', 'Shield Scroll', '2', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080025', 'Death Whisper Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080026', 'Guidance Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080027', 'Empower Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080028', 'Grater Acumen Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080029', 'Vampiric Rage Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080030', 'Bless the Body Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080031', 'Berserker Spirit Scroll', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080032', 'Magic Barrier Scroll', '2', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080033', 'Rune of SP - 336 Hour Expiration Period', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080034', 'Rune of SP - 720 Hour Expiration Period', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080035', 'Crystal form Rune - 24 Hour Expiration Period', '2', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080048', 'Rune of Feather - 24 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080049', 'A Scroll Bundle of Fighter', '4', '52');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080050', 'A Scroll Bundle of Mage', '4', '59');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080051', 'Bone Quiver', '4', '21');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080052', 'Steel Quiver', '4', '34');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080053', 'Silver Quiver', '4', '48');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080054', 'Mithril Quiver', '4', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080055', 'uiver of Light', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080056', 'Bone Bolt Container', '4', '21');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080057', 'Steel Bolt Container', '4', '34');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080058', 'Silver Bolt Container', '4', '48');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080059', 'Mithril Bolt Container', '4', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080060', 'Bolt Container of Light', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080061', 'Blessed Spiritshot Pack - D grade', '4', '31');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080062', 'Blessed Spiritshot Pack - C grade', '4', '61');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080063', 'Blessed Spiritshot Pack - B grade', '4', '166');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080064', 'Blessed Spiritshot Pack - A grade', '4', '196');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080065', 'Blessed Spiritshot Pack - S grade', '4', '237');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080066', 'Spiritshot Pack - D grade', '4', '12');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080067', 'Spiritshot Pack - C grade', '4', '24');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080068', 'Spiritshot Pack - B grade', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080069', 'Spiritshot Pack - A grade', '4', '81');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080070', 'Spiritshot Pack - S grade', '4', '102');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080071', 'Soulshot Pack - D grade', '4', '8');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080072', 'Soulshot Pack - C grade', '4', '10');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080073', 'Soulshot Pack - B grade', '4', '34');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080074', 'Soulshot Pack - A grade', '4', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080075', 'Soulshot Pack - S grade', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080076', 'Blessed Spiritshot Large Pack - D grade', '4', '61');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080077', 'Blessed Spiritshot Large Pack - C grade', '4', '122');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080078', 'Blessed Spiritshot Large Pack - B grade', '4', '331');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080079', 'Blessed Spiritshot Large Pack - A grade', '4', '392');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080080', 'Blessed Spiritshot Large Pack - S grade', '4', '473');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080081', 'Spiritshot Large Pack - D grade', '4', '24');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080082', 'Spiritshot Large Pack - C grade', '4', '48');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080083', 'Spiritshot Large Pack - B grade', '4', '135');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080084', 'Spiritshot Large Pack - A grade', '4', '162');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080085', 'Spiritshot Large Pack - S grade', '4', '203');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080086', 'Soulshot Large Pack - D grade', '4', '14');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080087', 'Soulshot Large Pack - C grade', '4', '21');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080088', 'Soulshot Large Pack - B grade', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080089', 'Soulshot Large Pack - A grade', '4', '108');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080090', 'Soulshot Large Pack - S grade', '4', '135');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080091', 'Wrapped daisy hairpin', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080092', 'Wrapped forget-me-not hairpin', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080093', 'Wrapped outlaws eyepatch', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080094', 'Wrapped pirates eyepatch', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080095', 'Wrapped Monocle', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080096', 'Wrapped Red Mask of Victory', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080097', 'Wrapped Red Horn of Victory', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080098', 'Wrapped Party Mask', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080099', 'Wrapped Red Party Mask', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080100', 'Wrapped Cat Ear', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080101', 'Wrapped Noblewomans Hairpin', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080102', 'Wrapped Raccoon Ear', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080103', 'Wrapped Rabbit Ear', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080104', 'Wrapped Little Angels Wings', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080105', 'Wrapped Fairys Tentacle', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080106', 'Wrapped Dandys Chapeau', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080107', 'Wrapped Artisans Goggles', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080112', 'Rune of Experience: 30% - 5 hour limited time', '1', '33');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080113', 'Rune of Exp. Points 50% - 5 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080114', 'Rune of Exp. Points 30% - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '52');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080115', 'Rune of Exp. Points 50% - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '87');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080116', 'Rune of Exp. Points 30% - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '697');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080117', 'Rune of Exp. Points 50% - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '1161');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080118', 'Rune of SP 30% - 5 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '17');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080119', 'Rune of SP 50% - 5 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080120', 'Rune of SP 30% - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '26');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080121', 'Rune of SP 50% - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '44');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080122', 'Rune of SP 30% - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '349');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080123', 'Rune of SP 50% - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '581');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080124', 'Rune of Crystal level 3 - 5 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '33');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080125', 'Rune of Crystal level 5 - 5 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080126', 'Rune of Crystal level 3 - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '52');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080127', 'Rune of Crystal level 5 - 10 Hour Expiration Period', '1', '87');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080128', 'Rune of Crystal level 3 - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '697');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080129', 'Rune of Crystal level 5 - 7 Day Expiration Period', '1', '1161');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080130', 'Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone (D-Grade)', '1', '21');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080131', 'Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone (C-Grade)', '1', '45');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080132', 'Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone (B-Grade)', '1', '203');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080133', 'Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone (A-Grade)', '1', '729');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080134', 'Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone (S-Grade)', '1', '2025');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080135', 'Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone (D-Grade)', '1', '4');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080136', 'Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone (C-Grade)', '1', '7');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080137', 'Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone (B-Grade)', '1', '29');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080138', 'Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone (A-Grade)', '1', '104');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080139', 'Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone (S-Grade)', '1', '290');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080140', 'Beast Soulshot Pack', '4', '14');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080141', 'Beast Spiritshot Pack', '4', '11');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080142', 'Blessed Beast Spiritshot Pack', '4', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080143', 'Beast Soulshot Large Pack', '4', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080144', 'Beast Spiritshot Large Pack', '4', '22');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080145', 'Blessed Beast Spiritshot Large Pack', '4', '135');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080146', 'Omen Beast Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080147', 'Death Blader Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080148', 'Grail Apostle Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080149', 'Unicorn Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080150', 'Lilim Knight Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080151', 'Golem Guardian Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080152', 'Inferno Drake Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080153', 'Dragon Bomber Transformation Scroll', '5', '30');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080154', 'Escape - Talking Island Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080155', 'Escape - Elven Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080156', 'Escape - Dark Elven Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080157', 'Escape - Orc Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080158', 'Escape - Dwarven Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080159', 'Escape - Gludin Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080160', 'Escape - Town of Gludio', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080161', 'Escape - Town of Dion', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080162', 'Escape - Floran Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080163', 'Escape - Giran Castle Town', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080164', 'Escape - Hardins Academy', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080165', 'Escape - Heine', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080166', 'Escape - Town of Oren', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080167', 'Escape - Ivory Tower', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080168', 'Escape - Hunters Village', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080169', 'Escape - Town of Aden', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080170', 'Escape - Town of Goddard', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080171', 'Escape - Rune Township', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080172', 'Escape - Town of Schuttgart', '5', '27');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080173', 'My Teleport Spellbook', '5', '675');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080174', 'My Teleport Scroll', '5', '135');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080175', 'My Teleport Scroll', '5', '270');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080176', 'My Teleport Flag', '5', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080177', 'My Teleport Flag', '5', '675');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080178', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)', '5', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080179', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss)', '5', '675');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080180', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka', '5', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080181', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka', '5', '675');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080182', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)', '5', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080183', 'Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth of the Abyss)', '5', '675');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080185', 'Color Name', '5', '268');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080186', 'Greater CP Potion', '3', '14');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080197', 'Potion of Energy Maintenance', '3', '142');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080198', 'Potion of Vitality Replenishin', '3', '68');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080199', 'Sweet Fruit Cocktail', '5', '79');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080200', 'Fresh Fruit Cocktail', '5', '91');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080201', 'Sudden Agathion 7 Day Pack', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080202', 'Shiny Agathion 7 Day Pac', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080203', 'Sobbing Agathion 7 Day Pack', '3', '338');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080205', 'Pumpkin Transformation Stick 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '254');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080206', 'Kat the Cat Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080207', 'Feline Queen Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080208', 'Monster Eye Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080209', 'Brown Bear Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080210', 'Fungus Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080211', 'Skull Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080212', 'Ornithomimus Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080213', 'Feline King Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080214', 'Kai the Cat Hat 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080229', 'OX Stick 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '169');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080230', 'Rock-Paper-Scissors Stick 7-Day Pack (Event)', '3', '506');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080236', 'Mounting Item 3 Pack', '5', '199');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080238', 'Steam Beatle Mounting Bracelet - 7-day Limited Period', '5', '89');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080239', 'Light Purple-Maned Horse Mounting Bracelet - 7 day limited period', '5', '89');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080240', '10 minute Energy Maintaining Potion', '5', '18');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080241', 'Vitality Maintenance Potion - 30 minutes', '5', '54');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080242', 'Rune of Exp. Points 30% - 3 hours limited time', '5', '24');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080243', 'Rune of Exp. Points 30%', '5', '9');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080244', 'Rune of SP 30%', '5', '5');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080245', 'Hardins Divine Protection', '5', '15');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080246', 'Hardins Blessing', '5', '15');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080247', 'Silpeeds Wing', '5', '5');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080248', 'Silpeeds Blessing', '5', '92');
+INSERT INTO `product_items` VALUES ('1080249', 'Potion of a Hero', '5', '1');


All you sure added this ?

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