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New L2Amnesia PvP Server. Grand opening 06.07.2012 at 18:00 gmt +2


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Sry for double posting but i got to bump the topic so gm see this.


Ceoflex i found a bug with dmges.

I'm pming jax and chronic ingame but i get no answer, reply please.

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No Need More Comment. I Pm Admin : Can U Announce I Leave Server I Sell Items For Free In Goddart. He JAIL ME. Also I Pm Wıth Other Char Why U Jail Me Damnn Jailed Also. What Is Your Problem Ceoflex??? U Drugged??? Or YOu Are Kid??? Poor Kid??? Here Photo Guys. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/100/shot00018c.jpg/



From Now When I Pm With A Char Why U Jail Me He Jail Again Again My All Chars... Can Anyone Tell Me Now What Can U Explain That Situation?

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No Need More Comment. I Pm Admin : Can U Announce I Leave Server I Sell Items For Free In Goddart. He JAIL ME. Also I Pm Wıth Other Char Why U Jail Me Damnn Jailed Also. What Is Your Problem Ceoflex??? U Drugged??? Or YOu Are Kid??? Poor Kid??? Here Photo Guys. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/100/shot00018c.jpg/



From Now When I Pm With A Char Why U Jail Me He Jail Again Again My All Chars... Can Anyone Tell Me Now What Can U Explain That Situation?

hahaha just play you like this server.

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His server start dieing, that's all i know ://

The weird thing is that ppl are not in this server nor on l2roe

where the heck everyone gone ?



I'm waiting to see how much more power he'll give to daggers.

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I think server is balanced comparing to all others pvp servers out there oO xp

Maybe mages are a bit nerfed, and debuffs seems to be almost 100% (things to be fixed- but with time im sure gms gonna fix that stuff)

there's always 250+ on.. mass pvp's at epics..im enjoying this server even with those donnators running around :b more pewpew :D

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I think server is balanced comparing to all others pvp servers out there oO xp

Maybe mages are a bit nerfed, and debuffs seems to be almost 100% (things to be fixed- but with time im sure gms gonna fix that stuff)

there's always 250+ on.. mass pvp's at epics..im enjoying this server even with those donnators running around :b more pewpew :D

The Problem Is That. When I Told The Problems TO GM All Tİme I Got Jail U can BelievE? :D FAIL SERVER

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So..i was running a test with a friend.

I was bishop

36 Con

Frintezza’s Necklace Stun resistance: 30%

Zaken’s Earring Stun Resistance: 40%

Earring of Antharas Stun Resistance: 60%

Majestic Robe Set Stun Resistance: 50%

Resist shock lv4 Stun Resistance: 40%


Sum up: 220% stun resistance + some of my con + Clan Fortitude rly dont know how much it gets.

Let's say about 250% resistance to stun.



The test starts here.


Stun shot (saggi): 13/20

Shield Stun (phoenix): 17/20

Thunder Storm (wl): 15/20

Shock Stomp (wl): 12/20

Shock Blast  (wl): 16/20

Bluff (th): 10/20 (some of them for more than 5sec)

There are a lot other classes but i didnt have time to test



So my question,

How much chance you've put on those skills and they stun so much ( on +0 those which can be enchanted)

Orselse maybe you've made rb jewels+res shock+maj armor not to give the stun resistance they have to ??



It's np for me, i'll quit in 3-4 days atleast b4 leaving i want to help you a bit.





PS: I rly dont wanna discuss about tyrants :/


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So..i was running a test with a friend.

I was bishop

36 Con

Frintezza’s Necklace Stun resistance: 30%

Zaken’s Earring Stun Resistance: 40%

Earring of Antharas Stun Resistance: 60%

Majestic Robe Set Stun Resistance: 50%

Resist shock lv4 Stun Resistance: 40%


Sum up: 210% stun resistance + some of my con + Clan Fortitude rly dont know how much it gets.

Let's say about 250% resistance to stun.



The test starts here.


Stun shot (saggi): 13/20

Shield Stun (phoenix): 17/20

Thunder Storm (wl): 15/20

Shock Stomp (wl): 12/20

Shock Blast  (wl): 16/20

Bluff (th): 10/20 (some of them for more than 5sec)

There are a lot other classes but i didnt have time to test



So my question,

How much chance you've put on those skills and they stun so much ( on +0 those which can be enchanted)

Orselse maybe you've made rb jewels+res shock+maj armor not to give the stun resistance they have to ??



It's np for me, i'll quit in 3-4 days atleast b4 leaving i want to help you a bit.


lol we have a pro in math here

+30% , +100% , blabla omg how dumb this is l2j man wake up , i don't say that server is good but u guys are bad ppl ..

i invite you to try make the l2perfect server ;)


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Donators running arround with gladi's doing 4k-5k with normal hits.

My CP is rdy to quit if u dont manage to change somthng.[iDontKnow rdy to quit.]. Just lettin' u know.


Np dude, 2 passives +1 active for donators is balanced.




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