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Lineage II Paradox C# Development First Look :D:D

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Have a look, GameServer will be done this night, loginServer/gameServer compatible with GOD 410 Harmony Cronicle :)

DB Server








LoginServer=~38 mb

GameServer=~49 mb in idle:)

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Oh my god, it's amazing. Gz!

you know what's the best thing at it?:D that you can write your customs using the old L2j style:) it uses JNB (java net bridge) to support the old java style scripts/quests/ and whatsoever, I removed python because the hook to the process wasn't working the way I expected :).

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you know what's the best thing at it?:D that you can write your customs using the old L2j style:) it uses JNB (java net bridge) to support the old java style scripts/quests/ and whatsoever, I removed python because the hook to the process wasn't working the way I expected :).

You mean quests with java?
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Gj from programer point of view

but why change java to c#? i dont think you will find any big performance advantage (correct me if im wrong), also c# is not rly good working on linux. I find it a lot of work for not that big result diference

Since you are reworking the l2 files why not use some other languages (c / c++ / ...) ?

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I specialy puted my ip there:) to see who will have the guts to ddos me:), AND THE WINNER IS :D FROM VIETNAM/JAPAN/KAZAHSTAN Initiative Project craps from Russia !!! CONGRATS IDIOTS :))))=))) you proved me how retarded are you!!!!!

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Gj from programer point of view

but why change java to c#? i dont think you will find any big performance advantage (correct me if im wrong), also c# is not rly good working on linux. I find it a lot of work for not that big result diference

Since you are reworking the l2 files why not use some other languages (c / c++ / ...) ?

i didn't used c/C++ because the code is very hard to maintain you don't have managed resources(once you allocate an object you must call delete on it to release it) although it's faster, i don't realy care about Linux, because it's a crappy os when it comes to resource management,C#(mono) runs faster than java on linux, see windows 8 with the new filesystem and make the difference. And the performance is amazing:) and the resources:D when server is in idle with 1 player online:D me, it consumes ~20-30 mb of ram:), the same test with java :) 800-1GB :).

C# has the ability of parallel computing ( it uses all cores on a pc) and most of the servers are XEON/i7/i5/i3 , when you wore using java:) the process was running on one core:) now with c# it distributes the task to all the cores of the system. see the following link http://blogs.msdn.com/b/csharpfaq/archive/2010/06/01/parallel-programming-in-net-framework-4-getting-started.aspx , and imagine that you have a for for everyplayer in a range or in the server:), and that task runs on an i7 on a single core 1.5ghz with java and with c# it runs 1.5 ghz *8 on a Q processor or 1.5 ghz*12 on a x processor so, the improvement is ~8 times or more using C# with an iCore processor from intel:) or opteron from amd and so on

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You got good ram use probably because you got no data loaded. The data stored in lists is the biggest RAM eater, mainly quests and SQL stuff (spawnlists, npcskills, skill trees I would say 20mo RAM each only for those 3 tables).


From a L2J if you drop both I said, you earn like 150mo RAM.


In case you got all data loaded and got only 20-30mo use, tell me your black magic teacher.



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