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New boards added , coming soon new moderators types....


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Maxtor , you did a GREAT job implementing the boards we suggested.


Now , what you need to do is to reconfigure the reputation system , and everything will be perfect.

dont forget shop !

Nice changed but xxx section in a gaming forum? Isn't that strange?  :P

too bad dejavu isnt here ;p
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can we have smilies package like these icons?


scaled.php?server=850&filename=yunob.png&res=crop y u no?


scaled.php?server=201&filename=seriousg.png&res=cropyou  serious?


scaled.php?server=69&filename=pokerjk.png&res=crop poker face




scaled.php?server=842&filename=notbadn.png&res=crop not bad


scaled.php?server=440&filename=lulsec.png&res=crop good sir


scaled.php?server=24&filename=lolgcn.png&res=crop lol


scaled.php?server=163&filename=lied.png&res=crop i lied


scaled.php?server=41&filename=happyforever.png&res=crop happy forever alone


scaled.php?server=42&filename=gustan.png&res=crop me gusta


-beep-yeanz.png -beep- yea!(like a boss)


-beep-that.png -beep- that


scaled.php?server=571&filename=coolfacegif.png&res=crop trollface


image.png NO.


2a5lyqt.png If you know what i mean










scaled.php?server=256&filename=aloneh.png&res=crop forever alone

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