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[Share][WEB-BASED] Vote System

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I would like to share with you my latest project. It is a web-based vote system.

It is pretty much the same with the one which Channel sells but this is free, coded by me and for the moment it is less advanced than the another one. If you look for something more advanced, you have to buy one from Channel.


A vote system is an online application where the players of your server can vote for your server, and then get rewarded automatically.


This one is written in PHP and JQuery.


Keep in mind, that I still have some things to do but it works perfectly. For example if you dont know how to edit the code you will have to add 2 banners one hopzone and one topzone. Not less, not more, not from another website.


In config.php file you can set the hopzone and the topzone links.

In connect.php file you will have to set the database information of the votesysten database.

In connect2.php file you will have to set the database information of your server database.






Add config to set how many banners you are about to use.

Add more topsites.


Some screenshots and a video will be added soon. For the moment see the photos from this topic. It is pretty much the same.


If something doesn't work or you need any help send me a private message or post below.

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Great work Pauler, tested and work perfectly!


+1 from me, keep sharing things for websites!

I really appreciate it.


I downloaded.I can say that the code is quite complicated.Is there any way to test it w/o having voting links?

Add to the vote table two new lines. One for the first banner one for the second one. Then, go to reward.php and it will let you choose a reward.


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Your code is vulnerable to SQL injections... Double check it before giving it away...

I don't think that I forgot to protect something. I will check and I will do an update.

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