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'Vampiric Mod' in-development, want feedback.

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Rough Draft

Code/Source not for share, don't ask, just want feedback.


Vampirism Theory


Description: Players killing vampiric monsters have a chance to receive a 1 hour debuff in which, if they don't get an antidote in time are turned into a vampire state, receiving a passive skill "Vampirism". You can obtain the antidote to cure the debuff from grocery, but to cure Vampirism passive you must do a quest. Having this passive skill increases players stats at night time, but decreases players stats during day time. While player has "Vampirism" passive skill, killing any non-vampire player triggers a buff (that has 5 levels max, 5th level obtainable only from item.) and for each non-vampire kill the player gets, the buff will increase by 1 level, killing another vampire will not increase or decrease buff level, also if you do not make a kill before the buff time(20minutes) runs out, the buff will be decreased by 1 level. If you die, the buff completely resets (disappears).


A normal player (player without "Vampirism" passive) is rewarded by killing a vampire with a "Vampiric Dust", this item can be used to craft "Vampirism Steriod".


"Vampirism Steriod" is a consumable that can be used by Vampires to increase their buff level to 5, increases stats further.


The 5th buff level transforms you into the form of 'Eilhalder von Hellmann' keeping your actual weapon visible.





Chance to obtain debuff - 5-10%


Vampirism Buff Levels:(Rough Example)


Level 1 - Pdef +4%, Mdef +6%, Patk +2%, Matk +1%, Dark Resistance +5

Level 2 - Pdef +5%, Mdef +7%, Patk +3%, Matk +2%, Dark Resistance +15, Speed +2

Level 3 - Pdef +7%, Mdef +9%, Patk +5%, Matk +4%, Dark Resistance +30, Speed +4

Level 4 - Pdef +8%, Mdef +10%, Patk +6%, Matk +5%, Dark Resistance +40, Speed +7

Level 5 - Pdef +10%, Mdef +12%, Patk +8%, Matk +7%, Dark Resistance +50, Speed +10



PASSIVE Buff Levels:

During Night: Level 1 - Pdef +4%, Mdef +6%, Patk +2%, Matk +1%, Dark Resistance +5

During Day: Level 1 - Pdef -4%, Mdef -6%, Patk -2%, Matk -1%, Dark Resistance -5


Vampirism Steriod Craft Requirements:(Rough Example)

Vampiric Dust - x5

Maestro Holder - x1

Synthetic Cokes - x100


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I wanna see a video,when its ready.

if you gonna sell it,for sure you gonna earn good $$.

What's that?i didn't understand.

open your eyes and read it carefully.
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I wanna see a video,when its ready.

if you gonna sell it,for sure you gonna earn good $$.open your eyes and read it carefully.

oh...its -beep-ing awesome,if you sell it i want it!
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Only half of this is AI?

You just make so that mobs at random chance (or specific mobs with more specific prerequisites) cast a debuff on death at the attacker/caster, the debuff is not cleansable.


All the conditions are in XML. Comparable to DE Night passive which gives 3 accuracy at night time.


+ effects when night time

if else

- effects.


Potion which removes or overbuffs the debuff (again XML).


Quest seems like the only work.



People would pay for it if they were clueless.


And whats the point of this? Death has negligible penalties. I just die to a mob and thats it. Why do a quest or get potions?


Sounds silly.


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If you use this as a major feature, people will whine after 3 days.



It's insanely small mod metagameplay wise.



You need to tie into other small mods/systems that ...give some twists to gameplay.

Else people will go "OMFG AWESOME" to your face but get bored like fuck after 3 days.

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Thanks guys, this is a rough draft, there will surely be changes as tests are made.. our dev team is working hard on this :D also thinking of adding a similar system but with 'Ghosts' or some other race, of course giving different stats and different passive effects.


If you have suggestions of more things to add, please share them.

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Imo, add aura on the 'vampire' player or setTitle("Vampire"); plus color and stuff so the 'normal players' know when they are dealing with a vampire or not.

Plus, its kinda good idea and unique if u manage to make it work. (i'd never sell it tho) GL :)

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Yeah that's been discussed, we were thinking of just name color being dark red (different from karma so its not confusing)


Or..we could just make them transformed all the time(when vampire state is active), something like male and female (click links)

and of course showing the players actual weapon, and actual skill animations being used in transformation state, so people know what class they are fighting.


Or both.


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Making it clear AGAIN, its not for sale/share, so there's point in debating if its worth anything sandpants.

I didn't mean to aggravate you. It wasn't directed to you either. I was pointing out that others seem very impressed and excited to the point where they express interest in buying it, it's kinda funny.



Good luck though.

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