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Setting Up L2J Web Account Manager

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  • 3 months later...

Im always getting this error if i want to create an account.


This e-mail is already registered. If you forgot the password click on "Lost your Password" and a new password will be sent to you.


doesn't matter which email i enter. i always get this one. what i did wrong there?


also this shows me the install.php


Checking php version :


    PHP version : 5.3.8 OK



Checking extensions loaded :


    mysql extension : OK

    gd extension : OK

    openssl extension : OK



Checking mysql connexion :


    connected ? OK



Checking db connexion :


    connected ? OK



Checking table connexion :


    accounts exist ? OK

    account_data exist ? KO



Checking sql parsing on accounts table :


    email exist ? KO

    created_time exist ? KO



Checking rights of the cache folder :


    cache folder : OK

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  • 3 months later...
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  • 5 years later...

Sorry for reviving this old topic.


But,actually this guide was made by me back in 2k10 ...Just look the day of my post....You could at least give me credits...


Edited by dj32
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