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[L2j]Lineage2 Heredur x70 Mixed PvP/Rpg Mid-Rate Server. Rebuilding!


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I'll keep repeating it:

Do you have fun ripping my forum theme and using it on your server's forum?



That's my theme, that I edited.


Sorry for that dear xDrac.


I promise you, in few days it will be changed. Just, give us few days because we can't close the forum.


Kind regards!

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I'll keep repeating it:

Do you have fun ripping my forum theme and using it on your server's forum?



That's my theme, that I edited.


btw I saw 3-4 more forums using this theme ... :/

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@xDrac my friend why you are spamming on this topic Heredur Team told you that they gonna cheange it so please dont spamm,and something more this forum is not maybe buy you official the only think that you have done is to add a bg on css and make some boards design so please let them WORK,next time if you some again on Lineage II Heredur TOPIC you gonna be demarked.



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I'm not meaning to spam and it isn't spamming.

But its ripped and I nowhere gave anyone permission to use this.


And they told me plenty that they would change it since week, and it just goes off and on to maintenance mode but it isn't changed still.

So I'll keep reminding people that you use this theme without my permission.

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I'm not meaning to spam and it isn't spamming.

But its ripped and I nowhere gave anyone permission to use this.


And they told me plenty that they would change it since week, and it just goes off and on to maintenance mode but it isn't changed still.

So I'll keep reminding people that you use this theme without my permission.


i using only this theme? lol go see other 5 ppls with the same theme non members in mxc and tell to change it go i waiting u.

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What do I care?

Change it or live with being a ripping retard lol.


I don't want to start anything but the theme it's originally from DzinerStudio, you simply took it from some Warez forum and edited your way, you even took the copyrights of DzinerStudio.

Unless you can prove me wrong, you're no one to tell people that it's your own theme.


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  • 4 weeks later...

We are back and working very hard our server will be opened 100% but we need time to finish works about gamestyle.

we will post here much more of new updates. Stay tuned guys L2Heredur Coming.




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We are back and working very hard our server will be opened 100% but we need time to finish works about gamestyle.

we will post here much more of new updates. Stay tuned guys L2Heredur Coming.





oo, Im waiting !

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