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server seems to be beta right now, I'm online for ~30 mins. I must sya I have lags.. didn't have lags on naia with 6k+ ppl so.. here I have.

U should really add npc buffer, coz right now u r forcing ppl to dual box..

also skills req. SP.. dear lord  why ?


server seems to be beta right now, I'm online for ~30 mins. I must sya I have lags.. didn't have lags on naia with 6k+ ppl so.. here I have.

U should really add npc buffer, coz right now u r forcing ppl to dual box..

also skills req. SP.. dear lord  why ?


I played on official and I also checked this server. seems be different than off.. so I can't say I trust you about off files..

i check it and seems like off , same skills , quest , etc.

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