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Long time no guide.It was about time i should post one.

Im starting a series of guides(3 guides in total) these days that i have free time.In these topics im going to analyze EVERYTHING you need in order to provoke you and pick support champions.


As a Pure Support Player myself i have to say that supports may be boring to the bone doing nothing but babysitting and taking walks in the park around the carry but without them a team is doomed!




Supports are divided into 4 categories


-Defencive Type(Champions able to Heal)

-Offencive Type(Champions able to Harass or Disable your enemies)

-Shield Type(Champions with Shield)

-Fake Type(Non-Support Champions that assist carry and after a period of time they switch to a DPS role)



This topic guide includes all the Defensive type Supports (latest patch Hecarim).









The Role of a Support is forsaken for the most of the summoners in a rate at least 80%.Sounds logical since everyone wants to be the carry of the team and be the killer or in order to receive the feeling of dependance from them.Unfortunately a team without Support is doomed to lose in most of the games.

-Some Summoners mock the role of the support ."Last pick you re support QQ" blah blah blah


What is  the Support's role?


1. Support the carry of the team for a short period of time so carry can farm

2. Protect the carry from harm early game

3. Provides the team with Map awareness

4. Tracks Neutral Minions spawn time(Dragon,Nashor,Golem,Lizard)

5. Neutrelizes enemy wards and enemy teams Map awareness

6. Determines which team will win teamfights if played right



Positives of Def Type.


1.Cheap champions.can be acquired for little IP or even free.

2.Can stay in lane permanently.

3.Little mp costs.

4.Lot of Gold with co-op with jungler or carry.

5.No one can accuse the support for fail of the team or non farm



Negative stuff of Def Types


1.Sometimes the heal cooldowns are extremely big

2.Countered by ignite or grievious wounds

3.Big cooldown champions can be dived - assaulted right after the heal cast

4.No real CC during lane phase

5.Smart enemies can target you first in order to disable your carry


Rune Setup


Unfortunately all the supports need their OWN rune page compating to the other roles.

Here are some of my pages i use (ALWAYS it can be modified-enemy team dependable)


The Richpage

provides you with a lot Gold for warding and picking oracles early.Richpage can award you late game even with almost poor gameplay.Fair good mregen/5/level for healing usage and gives you some armor in order to survive collateral damage from enemy jungler or carry

Ideal for supporting Graves,Caitlyn,Tristana




The Damn-im-focused page

provides Gold/5 for oracles and river warding but also the stats buy you some time in order to survive,escape while your jungler(if there) or the carry save you and possibly win a mini teamfight or gang.Used to survive vs enemy blinkers(LeeSin,TF,Ahri,Shaco,LeBlanc etc)




The RightClickEnemies

provides armor when enemy team consists a lot of autoattacking teams(Like Tryndamere,Master yi,Gangplanks)which can be a pain in the ass especially if they think about focusing you.





Light One Mastery Page

I like playing Supports with majori specced Utility raise picking Mana regen and gold /5 . Movement speed because boots are NOT your priority to make.Also exp boost as supports dont get high exp from kills plus they lose exp as they get far from the field in order to ward river or bushes.


Ideal for Supports with low cd heal like Sona,Karma,Alistar

Bad pick for Soraka,Kayle,Nidalee



The TakesNoTime Mastery Page


Emphasized for CDR & supports with higher Magic resist than other supports like Taric,Soraka,Nidalee










Copyrights Noble®

Desclaimer:If you re about to re-post comments,whole topic or part of it use proper credits(link and author name Noble®).


Feel Free to comment or suggest

This was the first topic out of 3 from Noble series regarding "how to master supports"


Fake Type(Non-Support Champions that assist carry and after a period of time they switch to a DPS role)




I think he means kayle nidalee karma etc. ofc such a tactic would hardly work at high level of play. Anyway nice but 2 last points at the positive aspects section are so wrong. ;p

I think he means kayle nidalee karma etc. ofc such a tactic would hardly work at high level of play. Anyway nice but 2 last points at the positive aspects section are so wrong. ;p


well,the guide in general is very well written,with good points.but if he wants to state "non casual support"

he should mention,leona,lee sin,j4,gallio and our secret combo support oO


Fake Type(Non-Support Champions that assist carry and after a period of time they switch to a DPS role)




Champions like Pantheon,Annie(i ve seen them a lot being used as supports on high elo 1900+  and after the first tower destruction they turn to DPS)


Leona,Galio were supposed to be included in different guides xD (Soon...)


I think he means kayle nidalee karma etc. ofc such a tactic would hardly work at high level of play. Anyway nice but 2 last points at the positive aspects section are so wrong. ;p


Champions like Pantheon,Annie(i ve seen them a lot being used as supports on high elo 1900+  and after the first tower destruction they turn to DPS)


Leona,Galio were supposed to be included in different guides xD (Soon...)



the fact that are played,doesn't mean they are as well.


the fact that are played,doesn't mean they are as well.

i obviously dont give lessons which support to pick(otheriwse i d say go go pick Sona or Janna)! i just teach the role and the capabilities of it.you might want to play graves support or volibear. :) its none of my business xD

i obviously dont give lessons which support to pick(otheriwse i d say go go pick Sona or Janna)! i just teach the role and the capabilities of it.you might want to play graves support or volibear. :) its none of my business xD


singed and volibear are good supports.


Champions like Pantheon,Annie(i ve seen them a lot being used as supports on high elo 1900+  and after the first tower destruction they turn to DPS)


Maybe you saw shookl2, darkwinjax or someone trololol

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