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interlude L2Abel.com Interlude Server


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After some research on hundreds of forum, including all the votesites.. I've came to the conclusion that this project is the only one worth playing on. Thank you for making a server that we players can call our home. I wish you best of luck. CHEERS

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After some research on hundreds of forum, including all the votesites.. I've came to the conclusion that this project is the only one worth playing on. Thank you for making a server that we players can call our home. I wish you best of luck. CHEERS



true ... last days there is no way to play any decent interlude HR .... just this one or reanaissance... GL ;p

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After some research on hundreds of forum, including all the votesites.. I've came to the conclusion that this project is the only one worth playing on. Thank you for making a server that we players can call our home. I wish you best of luck. CHEERS

you say it good:)
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After some research on hundreds of forum, including all the votesites.. I've came to the conclusion that this project is the only one worth playing on. Thank you for making a server that we players can call our home. I wish you best of luck. CHEERS


true ... last days there is no way to play any decent interlude HR .... just this one or reanaissance... GL ;p

same conclusion here dude im w8in for this

you say it good:)

What can I say, thank you for these comments and that you are with L2Abel. I hope that the server keep as much time online and I hope you enjoy it.

Anyway 17h till the GRAND OPENING!!

New update was maded:

- Added 2 rb's with different difficulty (Respawn 1h +/- 30m | 2h +/-30m).

- Added FoG as hard zone.

- Added Anti Buff Shield.

- Added Clan Rep Item.

- Added Raids Info NPC.

- Fixed Request Restart exception.

- Fix Summoners Classes.

- Fix Cardinal Skills.

- Reworked Unstuck coordinates. (Changed to Main Town)

- Reworked RequestRestartPoint.java (Changed to Main Town)

- Reworked Blow Skill Types




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hmmm i have a thought about ur server...features kick asses!

but the opening time...i mean 10 A.M.?ppl have work/school...so what about change it to afternoon?i dont want to reply in my post by kids who will cry saying that i cant log in...cuz in fact i am able to log in...but most ppl are not!so u might see a good number of ppl online but is not gonna be so big...just a thought!

peace :D

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hmmm i have a thought about ur server...features kick asses!

but the opening time...i mean 10 A.M.?ppl have work/school...so what about change it to afternoon?i dont want to reply in my post by kids who will cry saying that i cant log in...cuz in fact i am able to log in...but most ppl are not!so u might see a good number of ppl online but is not gonna be so big...just a thought!

peace :D

well i must agree with you,best time to open is 17-18,and btw i try make forum account but i dont receive any activation key:(
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Where will be this server hosted in?


(I hope you've got a good DDOS protection.. sadly, world is full of jealous kids)

If someone tries to give flood the server will feel a bit lag which will take about 2-5 minutes.

hmmm i have a thought about ur server...features kick asses!

but the opening time...i mean 10 A.M.?ppl have work/school...so what about change it to afternoon?i dont want to reply in my post by kids who will cry saying that i cant log in...cuz in fact i am able to log in...but most ppl are not!so u might see a good number of ppl online but is not gonna be so big...just a thought!

peace :D

Heh,you're not the first we wask why that hour,simple:

We have a very special protection against DDoS attacks and very different from the market and should measure traffic constantly. If they get 200 people at the same time lag would be about 5 minutes for that protection check each ip to see if it is clean or infected. We do not want a large number of players from the first minute or the first hour, we want the community to grow constantly.Anyway Raids/Events/Vote Reward are disabled until 05.05.2012!


In one sentence: We open server at this hour cuz protection need time to check every ip and and to stabilize traffic.

When someone tries to give flood, protection will see traffic growth and will block instant that IP (not really instant,may take a between 2-5 min).


10h till the GRAND OPENING!!



Server was accepted in TopZone, please vote!





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hmmm i dont really like what i saw...anyway!i wont say anything yet be4 i post!i am just happy that u spoke the truth cuz many servers failed in the opening cuz they couldnt handle too many ppl!Gl with ur project!cya online ;)

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hmmm i dont really like what i saw...anyway!i wont say anything yet be4 i post!i am just happy that u spoke the truth cuz many servers failed in the opening cuz they couldnt handle too many ppl!Gl with ur project!cya online ;)

That's my point. We are different from other servers, why to have 5k players at grand opening and 100 players daily? It's not hard to fake players online but we are not liers! :D


Hopefully you like server!


2h till the GRAND OPENING!

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    • not just a waste of time ..even waste of money ...  
    • Heya! I was looking for someone who can provide me with any solution for FPS increase on Interlude Client. I was interested in a working Clear Cache button and/or any patch that will increase the FPS of each player. Playing on Interlude for many years now, I can understand that a crowded place will drop your FPS by a lot which is making the game unplayable and unenjoyable. For example, Baium Epic Boss always had issues (not only) with FPS drops sometimes players are playing with pixels (images). If anyone has the expertise and knowledge about those things I would like him to contact me via Discord xthedarknessfear so we can discuss further because I obviously have some questions about Client Modification and how it's done. Will not answer anything here, hit me up on disc and let's discuss it! P.S: I'm also looking for a custom simple interface (small edits). If you can do both, you are my guy! Cheers!
    • //request   Can anyone rework this for aCis 401? personally, one of the best features to have in a L2 server.
    • i have this feature: https://prnt.sc/rD9BYOi7QPB6 there is edited interface and one dll to make it working.
    • Whatever @Tryskell said...   Unfortunately it is not 2005-2010 anymore... Most of the community from those days is "grown up" and probably does not play games anymore (or at least no MMOs). I think anything related to MMOs will be a nail in the coffin.   I understand that it is hard to let the thing you've built for years to "just die". I assume most people got into programming, so maybe you can try something in that direction. But then again, this is a very niche community.   We need to think of something to bring the people together. I think events may be really fun, but then you would probably need to add prizes n order for the people to participate.   So yea, just my 2 cents. Hopefully somebody can come up with some great idea so we can revive this place. I've already forgotten it for the last couple (5-6) years...
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