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[L2J]L2WarGate Gracia Final PvE server.


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Every 2:45 hours. Also you can join Mini Events every 20 mins.

thank you for the inf anyway

this server...rock's u must try..its hard to find gracia final pvp server(without corrpt or full of bugs)..so..try here :)

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Now honestly here, I could care less but I couldn't help myself, I just don't understand how people think this server has amazing GM support.




Rhydorn created a bug report topic complete with screenshots and details about the crit rate not working as stated in the item description, and the official response was "get the next tier item".



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About the crit rate not that is low as stated in the item description, and the official response was "get the next tier item".


If he wants more crit. rate He needs to farm the higher tier. What's the abnormal to that ? o.o


actually vesper duals works fine for me...also i dont see any1 else complain about that...i really dont know...

I know everything works fine so, just don't hear sibabusama he is already busy with his own server.


thank you for the inf anyway

this server...rock's u must try..its hard to find gracia final pvp server(without corrpt or full of bugs)..so..try here :)


Thank you Vampirenios I appreciate your opinion.

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lol you still don't get it, your vesper weapon doesn't give the crit it says it does, he reported it and you locked his topic telling him to farm more.

Comon dude do you believe I don't know what's happening on my server or you believe I can't boost the rate if I want to ? It's obvious that I don't want to but again it's non of your business since you don't play.

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I've checked your server out, and it's actually worse than it was before if that was even possible, it's like you forgot defensive stats on everything, and now everyone just runs around hitting each other for 6k and dying in 5 seconds lol. 


What were you doing for the last 6 months while you were "Updating" your server. 

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you say everyone runs around hitting each other 6k dmg, could you take a screen with yourself dealing that dmg ? i guess no.. you are the only one who supports that just to defend your pathetic gay altitude and downgrade the fame of an amazing server.


look at your forums everyone complains about donators and op classes such as prophets , duelists and so on and you dare to come to this post and write bullshits

and at least in the server no one complains in trade chats or forums or find the evidence to proove your sayings



just look at yourself in the mirror you'll understand how jealus and pathetic you are


big mofo lier  mr sibabusama




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You're still using that signature I made you, Dev? :D

Oh yea on forums. Liked it before and didn't have the time to ask for a new one it's ok. Anyway let's avoid going off topic please. Server growing 165+ online daily basis no offline shops ! Try to join us and express your own opinion !

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I've checked your server out, and it's actually worse than it was before if that was even possible, it's like you forgot defensive stats on everything, and now everyone just runs around hitting each other for 6k and dying in 5 seconds lol. 


What were you doing for the last 6 months while you were "Updating" your server. 

6k and die in 5secs?damn,man u must be the best play in the server...what is ur ingame name?i want to pm u asking u items and tell me ur secrets about pvp skills...exept if u mean that u joined server and u go for pvp with S grade vs Elegia,Vesper and u get 6k DMG by an archer and this archer killed u in 5 secs!

conclusion haters gonna hate,and we dont give a shit about it,server is really good!if u ppl wanna join and check it by ur self would be much better!

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Comon dude do you believe I don't know what's happening on my server or you believe I can't boost the rate if I want to ? It's obvious that I don't want to but again it's non of your business since you don't play.

If u dont want to add the god damn focus ability at the weapon why do u add it on description?

Nothing personal I never tested fist for myself... But WTF are u talking about?

Everybody is praising u like ur best as developer. Its just disappointing seeing such a fail movement.

Also about the Farm More answer... It seems progress will stop in a while and server will close.

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If u dont want to add the god damn focus ability at the weapon why do u add it on description?

Nothing personal I never tested fist for myself... But WTF are u talking about?

Everybody is praising u like ur best as developer. Its just disappointing seeing such a fail movement.

Are you kidding me ? I posted already that this weapon is fixed. If you had the time check the forums you wouldn't say all that about fail movement. http://l2wargate.com/forum/index.php?topic=3614.msg46016#msg46016


What fail movement a typo on 1 weapon stats ? I have edited 200 + custom weapons and 4 set of armors , 200 accessories and all the skills by scratch and you complain for a weapon that had 30 crit rate lower and which has been fixed yesterday ? I can't understand you really..

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i like the comments and seems that you're server is growing.

currently,i'm downloading the client.I'll join in the server since i wanna play a stable server.

tonight i'll post my feedback.

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i like the comments and seems that you're server is growing.

currently,i'm downloading the client.I'll join in the server since i wanna play a stable server.

tonight i'll post my feedback.

Sure everyone's feedback is acceptable even if it's negative or positive, but as you see the 40-50 ppl who posted in this topic talk with good and positive words that's not random. Also before you test anything it is good for a server like this to farm the first tier armor & generally items accessories etc and then try the balance. Because with newbie's items you will fail hard.


PS: You can play with Freya client too.

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