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SUBLIMITY, Redeem the Lineage 2 community, join the memorial gather

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So like Viral Marketing for Sublimity.

...by telling players L2 is totally dead and they should make this their final server.


Major fukkin fail - (Yet of course it will be allowed).


Idiot Admins - and players who eat up their shit - you are the ones that killed l2.

You played bandwagon and did the typical religion move to coerce others into your beliefs of what's right and what's not.

(INT is awesome, c4 is awesome, GF is awesome, blabla).



Maybe it is dying, but it's only cause you as players killed it.

You didn't stop and form your own opinions about a server, about a project.

You don't even know the game well enough to figure out what's retail and what's not...



If anything, any intelligent l2 player that LIKES playing, would boycut this and stop up - think - and support the few admins that actually still try and invest time into their servers.

If you want to show support for that server you loved - then find or better yet.. DEMAND a server that has what you loved in the old days.

Demand something more than X Chronicle with "Insert Private L2J Server Fork / L2OFF Extender here".


Else nothing will change.


oh ps Sinnocent:

"I'm not trying to make you play the server"


Love that line - because in the next you ask the community to do just that.

We have words for types like you, where i come from ;)

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I'm one of the few people that aren't phased by trollers such as you. Everyone is welcome to they're own opinion, just like I'm welcomed to even consider your opinions because honestly I don't care for your response you just made, your basically just "hatin'", and feel free to keep it up.

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Considering the number of players retail has now, l2 is far from dead. Maybe Interlude is dying because its almost 6 years old and no matter how much you love Interlude in the end you love Lineage 2 more.

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LOL at the retail statement, yeah.. retail is far from dead, just a bunch of adena farmers and random BR's that don't know the 1st thing about competition, I've seen clans from Java servers dishing better competition thann retail at its current state...... RETAIL isnt worth the mention, a really big joke mate

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Well, I don't know how the competition on retail servers are, but from what I can see from Goddess of Destruction, people login, do their daily carebear instancing and logout. Goddess of Destruction is whats not worth mentioning.

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Well, I don't know how the competition on retail servers are, but from what I can see from Goddess of Destruction, people login, do their daily carebear instancing and logout. Goddess of Destruction is whats not worth mentioning.

on shillien and bartz competition aint shit, Shillien had FNT at first

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Random? If you don't know what is Sublimity, ur the random..


Yes, I'm a random cause I don't like playing on servers that have nothing to do with retail-like gameplay rofl.


Well, I don't know how the competition on retail servers are, but from what I can see from Goddess of Destruction, people login, do their daily carebear instancing and logout. Goddess of Destruction is whats not worth mentioning.


In pre-GoD there's the Rift which has no delay, so it's even better for carebears.

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I would rather waste my time in free to play GOD (which I dislike) than in a random mid server like this


also, L2 is not dead, actually its alive and doing good, random servers like this is what gives it a bad reputation


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I'm one of the few people that aren't phased by trollers such as you. Everyone is welcome to they're own opinion, just like I'm welcomed to even consider your opinions because honestly I don't care for your response you just made, your basically just "hatin'", and feel free to keep it up.




Grow some balls.



IF i'm wrong do this on a random L2J server.

Don't do this on Sublimity OR nostalgia or anything "big".


Clearly your little girly feelings get upset, when fortuna doesn't consider sublimity anything special.


Else your just secretly advertising like a little bitch.


And you CANNOT deny that, pure fact.


Feel free to prove me wrong ;)

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hi i want to share these videos to all the haters that think Sublimity aint shit, you aint shit if you think sublimity dont have competition or u just cant handle the competition incoming this time and pussying out claiming that retail is worth playing LOLLL retaill... funny.


who is dis fool bringin up L2J servers over Sublimity lol? gtfo outta here random




Videos of Previous Sublimity servers.



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nd everyone knows that Fortuna or w/e his old name was is a low rate fan same for this other random guy Koyuki, so ofc they wont care for Sublimity, but they did get  +1 post count from this so cool

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haterz gonna hate

we gon be havin epic mass pvp, while these others r pve'ing and sword fighting with there penises on retail ;)
































keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep hatin

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Grow some balls.



IF i'm wrong do this on a random L2J server.

Don't do this on Sublimity OR nostalgia or anything "big".


Clearly your little girly feelings get upset, when fortuna doesn't consider sublimity anything special.


Else your just secretly advertising like a little bitch.


And you CANNOT deny that, pure fact.


Feel free to prove me wrong ;)

wanna bet he is the emoraging kid that got  banned on Sublimity forums? :D

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