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Do you like npc buffer in private servers???  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like npc buffer in private servers???

    • Yes, I like to grind/farm like a living bot, supports slow me down...
    • No, actually I like to have active prophet/blade dancer/ sword singer in my party...group play is fun
    • No, NPC buffer is for noobs and I dont like mana pots too

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none, because who likes to play support?  just you.... everyone wants to PAH PAH :D that's the point. Playing SE ? jezus to restore mp of your internet friends so they can PAH PAH? damn that would be humilitating for me.


and the second one is that lineage community is getting older, i cant see any new players around ... game play now is like coming back form WORK (not school now) and enjoying some pvps, thats ALL. team-play system is not working here anymore.


Shillien Elder can root people, that is extremely fun to do,


recharge is fun too,


my main class = elemental master, its like a damage dealer but with some support gameplay, I love to support my poney


my subclasses are all supports, i really feel satisfied in see my team win because I did a good work


NPC buffer sucks...Lineage 2 community is what is killing the game

screw npc buffer andmana pots


Things I want to be part of my pvps in lineage 2 :

-summon my friends

- dryad root

- trance/sleep

- stun

- silence

- dance of medusa

- rechargers

- anchor, biding cubic

- icy air


things I dont want:

-npc buffer and mana pots ruining the experience



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none, because who likes to play support?  just you.... everyone wants to PAH PAH :D that's the point. Playing SE ? jezus to restore mp of your internet friends so they can PAH PAH? damn that would be humilitating for me.


and the second one is that lineage community is getting older, i cant see any new players around ... game play now is like coming back form WORK (not school now) and enjoying some pvps, thats ALL. team-play system is not working here anymore.


Isn't that the point of a Role Playing Game (RPG)? ...


If you only like kill then Lineage 2 is not the game for you. Personally, I really enjoy playing supports and find protecting and helping my allies win much more fun than being the one that causes massacres.

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play counter strike if pvp is all you are intrested in

read before write bullshit???


If you only like kill then Lineage 2 is not the game for you. Personally, I really enjoy playing supports and find protecting and helping my allies win much more fun than being the one that causes massacres.




win in lineage 2 depends on how skilled the supports are


if the damage dealers are horrible, but the supports are pro = WIN


supports that work together will only get killed if they all run out of MP


damage dealers without supports = nothing

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