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omg man custom is java with custom areas,custom items like shitty epic,custom weapons,custom jewls custom wings lole

Elite is official with no shitty customs

about 50 people are with+3 and you can win s+12 sa from event or you can farm 3kkk buy s+15 and do it+20 with 10 euro...

btw i play with+3 and i have 2k pvp's from killing donators so..

if someone believe items make char then he is no l2 player..

PS: elite has still 2k players and not like a stupid custom shitty server with 10 people  lol

apella is not custom???and as far as i remember u get a passive buff by have set enchant to +8 in jewels...?maybe i am wrong...i am just telling u what i remember when i used to play there some years ago...

apella is not custom???and as far as i remember u get a passive buff by have set enchant to +8 in jewels...?maybe i am wrong...i am just telling u what i remember when i used to play there some years ago...


no.. i have set+8 and i don't get any passive buffs.. :D


Who are you?


PS: Tebi here.

JustNoName nub!

tebi sudacon

Lulz stanis where the hell is jose???


@maximilion only a few know what really happened and why thinlan LEFT and was not fired like you say.But it's useless explaining to you.2 of the GMs are old players and one of them really asslicked dosmac for getting that position and the 3rd i don't know who the hell he is.Freak oh yeah the junkie that used to login, announce events and then logout and let people wonder where the hell did he go.


hahaha yeah Freak does this even now but in the end after making 10 events :P

we all sign,we see oly full of players but no gm lol hahaha

GMTipsy and GMSlinn are old and as regards the new GM his name is GMSigh and Dosmac put him in order to communicate with people who speak only spanish..

btw Doscam told us that thinlan corrupted,gave full rb set+10 and that's the reason he fired him..


hahaha yeah Freak does this even now but in the end after making 10 events :P

we all sign,we see oly full of players but no gm lol hahaha

GMTipsy and GMSlinn are old and as regards the new GM his name is GMSigh and Dosmac put him in order to communicate with people who speak only spanish..

btw Doscam told us that thinlan corrupted,gave full rb set+10 and that's the reason he fired him..

Yeah well that's what he wanted you to believe.Actually dosmac is the one who gave away items to people.Doscam fits better yeah.


hahaha yeah Freak does this even now but in the end after making 10 events :P

we all sign,we see oly full of players but no gm lol hahaha

GMTipsy and GMSlinn are old and as regards the new GM his name is GMSigh and Dosmac put him in order to communicate with people who speak only spanish..

btw Doscam told us that thinlan corrupted,gave full rb set+10 and that's the reason he fired him..


Dude, you dont know ANYTHING about L2Elite, you dont even know why he "FIRED" thinlan.


BTW JNM, Jose is not playing MMORPG at the moment, I started to play L2 2 days ago... I just log in on Elite and, like allways, full of BR/GREEK/SUDACAS with a lot of +25 weps... but i'm not playing there obviously.


Send me your MSN or skype in PM plx nab :P


Gonna give this server a try since it have been alive for so long and still have alot of people there :o) greek, br and so on are still people :)

  • 3 weeks later...

i pwned this server with mine ally Since C3! aka R3v0ltad0 // V1ng4d0r  // Sc4rf4c3  allyance Av3ngers!! :) bloodsimple was mine sparring :D


Regards for mine old friends [GM][Envec] // Zonder //RecoteroRey // Bombonpk  // SnakeEyes // Jessica Rabitt // Jeet // Sivo //  and all Noclan Members! we pwned l2elite , the old times won't come back.


Hey, first of all i have a question... what success chance is from +20 and after? 66% is extremelly low..

Im fan of that server. I played for years(about 5 i think).  I worked hard making some good stuff and i payed a lot of money over 300 euros in donates because i bored to be killed from donators(There's no chance to win a donator with full rbs 1v1). One day, i saw dash on a player with his ghost hunter class. You can also see that in one vid on youtube... Anyway.. I really enjoyed until the time that i broke all my stuff. Suddenly i realized that i had spent all my years work and my money with only 2 enchant clicks..

PS: If you don't want to spend money, don't start l2elite.


omg man custom is java with custom areas,custom items like shitty epic,custom weapons,custom jewls custom wings lole

Elite is official with no shitty customs

about 50 people are with+3 and you can win s+12 sa from event or you can farm 3kkk buy s+15 and do it+20 with 10 euro...

btw i play with+3 and i have 2k pvp's from killing donators so..

if someone believe items make char then he is no l2 player..

PS: elite has still 2k players and not like a stupid custom shitty server with 10 people  lol

Actually it's 15 euro :)


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