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L2JHidden HighFive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems that the project is quite dead right now. no serious updates....just typing in some shits xD


Also the support seems to be really bad. i asked some ppl and most of them are not satisfied.


example 1 month support+builds:

people try to get a new build....cant reach admins for weeks.....1 month support expired and you wont get any updates even if you asked weeks before.


if you need some scripts for quests go get them out of the shared compiled version ;)

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Seems that the project is quite dead right now. no serious updates....just typing in some shits xD


Also the support seems to be really bad. i asked some ppl and most of them are not satisfied.


example 1 month support+builds:

people try to get a new build....cant reach admins for weeks.....1 month support expired and you wont get any updates even if you asked weeks before.


if you need some scripts for quests go get them out of the shared compiled version ;)


show proofs of what you are saying, project isnt dead, we currently working in new stuff




you got 24 hours to show me proofs of what you saying otherwise you will get banned.

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Also the support seems to be really bad. i asked some ppl and most of them are not satisfied.


people try to get a new build....cant reach admins for weeks.....1 month support expired and you wont get any updates even if you asked weeks before.

Show proofs of that, please.


You are partially correct. Last 2 months I started the new university year and I had not enough time to update/support at the same lvl I was doing before.

So, as I see I have not enough time to handle it and also the L2 situation is worse and worse... I decided to stop the project development & licenses_giving until I have time to waste in it.

I will save the time of the last customers to give it back when I get the time to take it again.

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show proofs of what you are saying, project isnt dead, we currently working in new stuff




you got 24 hours to show me proofs of what you saying otherwise you will get banned.



Well...smart guy.... You know what the word "seems" mean? I didn't say that your project is dead. I said that there are nearly no big updates for a couple of weeks/months now.


And you tell me that i am going to be banned? serious dude? how lame are you? shame on you!


As you see wyatt is the only one who gave a nice statement and he also explayned why the project had some problems. i totally understand this. but you are trying to get me banned for no reason? and you are asking me to tell you who gave me this information? So they will be banned too, or what? i will not tell you! ;)


one member told me that she/he got blocked in skype cos he/she asked for a new build (subscription not expired). so if this is not true why would he or she write this to me? so if you want to earn some money try to give a better support...... something else then banning/blocking ;) just a suggestion dude ;)

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one member told me that she/he got blocked in skype cos he/she asked for a new build (subscription not expired). so if this is not true why would he or she write this to me? so if you want to earn some money try to give a better support...... something else then banning/blocking ;) just a suggestion dude ;)


Why...? well there are too much reasons... haters, no-lifers, etc. anyone with active customer status (without being a leacher) was banned/blocked

I only had to ban & block 1 customer and was coz of leach.


Some mod lock this topic please.

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leeching? lol, then whats the deal with the 1 month builds +support? kinda senseless heh? its like if you dont like the person you will ban/block them.....even if they paid and have a right to get new compiles? if so...then please change your forums description.

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leeching? lol, then whats the deal with the 1 month builds +support? kinda senseless heh? its like if you dont like the person you will ban/block them.....even if they paid and have a right to get new compiles? if so...then please change your forums description.


Do you understand the meaning of what I wrote?


quote from our main forum post

If we notice that one user is trying to share/sale our packs/codes will be automatically expelled from this forum and also we'll take off his access to our project.


I said I only had to ban & block 1 user and the reason was this. Any other wannabe customer or fake customer that says to you that I blocked/banned him is just lying.


The discussion ends here, please.


And for God, 1 mod to lock this?...

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