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L2JHidden HighFive.

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Wyatt, my suggestion was about the difference of price between your options 1 and 4 months. I personally got no trouble you make big prices (as I suggested, 100€ / 4 months). If you sell quality work, no reason to sell it cheap. Just "balance" prices.


The only "real" problem is selling a precompiled pack. Imagine you stop the developement, all your customers are focked up. Even if you got no point to be named "scammer", as you sold your work at a moment M (and I repeat, I perfectly agree with your PoV), ppl who wanted to develop their servers (in future) are focked up.


That's only suggestions, do whatever you want with them. I got no control on that section, and I personally got no interest in that chronicle (when I could easily flame if you were doing Interlude, nierk nierk nierk :D).


And try to add new features, cause atm, except lazy asses will buy your pack (well I don't worry for you even if you keep that standard features :]).

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I understand what u mean about balance prices but the main reason to be unbalanced (4 months maybe cheap) is that we want to make it cheap at the beginning to take some ppl with us, maybe we did the 1 month/price to high, dunno... will think about it.



I'm currently working on new events to put in the event engine, also a system to stop Event Scheduler every time that votereward is gonna give a reward, and start an in-game poll to know if players want an event and which event they prefer, and then event is gonna start, after that scheduler is gonna be activated again. And also I'm thinking more ideas to add, it's why I should need some help with "ideas" coz my main problem is to think one idea, not to code it x_x


Also, today or tomorrow we'll open a test server, opened to all who want to see the pack, and to test the features.

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I understand what u mean about balance prices but the main reason to be unbalanced (4 months maybe cheap) is that we want to make it cheap at the beginning to take some ppl with us, maybe we did the 1 month/price to high, dunno... will think about it.



I'm currently working on new events to put in the event engine, also a system to stop Event Scheduler every time that votereward is gonna give a reward, and start an in-game poll to know if players want an event and which event they prefer, and then event is gonna start, after that scheduler is gonna be activated again. And also I'm thinking more ideas to add, it's why I should need some help with "ideas" coz my main problem is to think one idea, not to code it x_x


Also, today or tomorrow we'll open a test server, opened to all who want to see the pack, and to test the features.

Nice...As Tryskel said add some more special features, because many of them you got now are shared!Add something unique!
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Nice...As Tryskel said add some more special features, because many of them you got now are shared!Add something unique!

The unique stuff are always private and cant be shared so easily, btw it would be better if we could modify the pack our selves and not request from you every single time, that is i think a general rule for all the packs that the admin MUST be able to do some changes himself instead of making requests and wait until you guys do it.

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I'm glad to announce that Vip Customers will have SVN access in few days.


Also the prices are changed.



  • 20 euros - Customer, will get 1 month of compiled packs with free support and updates.
  • 65 euros - Vip Customer, will get 4 month(s) of SVN access and free support.
    Since you buy any compiled pack, it will work lifetime, with your IP.



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Nice update also your 1st post and post on your "Work on" some new features despite the events.


Register on our forum to see what we currently working on, we always do updates there.


For Example We just finish the AutoVoteReward Event (1pcip per vote)



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Register on our forum to see what we currently working on, we always do updates there.


For Example We just finish the AutoVoteReward Event (1pcip per vote)



Why dont you talk with nhoke to get his event system to add it for your customers!
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SVN for Vip Customers ready.



Our project is more than brand new and Nexus from hNoke has been in development for more than a year.... I think he would think we look down on his work.

Also I'm not working on an Event Engine to after go to hNoke and ask for his work.


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