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i played summoner and i still think it is suck to pvp ;]


because youre a NOOB


summoner can easily kill 2-3 ppl alone if is smart..while ur mana lasts :)



because youre a NOOB


summoner can easily kill 2-3 ppl alone if is smart..while ur mana lasts :)



U played on Dragon-Network? If u own 3 people with summon gz for u but it is impossible ;]

Guest skaros

it helped me alot :) ty m8... i like summoners <3 and elf archers :P


U played on Dragon-Network? If u own 3 people with summon gz for u but it is impossible ;]

like dragon network have retail stats...

overenchanted sh1ts,everyone has boss jewels,stacking subs..

what r u talkin about,tard?


thank you very much for such a very informative guide  on summon have a warlock i play never put too much time with him but now reading this guide going to res him back to live and give it try off your guide


thank you very much


like dragon network have retail stats...

overenchanted sh1ts,everyone has boss jewels,stacking subs..

what r u talkin about,tard?


well...ignore comments like that divi00 guy..he doesnt know L2


summoners are very powerful on retail, erase dont land that much and u can always summon again...that buffer wont have much mana left to spam erase in sieges..and mass pvp is a chaos, u can easily kill 6-7 players b4 run out of mana, cuz ure the least target in the pvp and nobody stops assisting to erase summons..now summons take OL buffs FYI


who else but a summoner can solo big groups of mobs and even solo primeval island? no one..but summoners can..so its a great PvE machine


and server with crap stuff like overenchanted +30 gear and boss jewerly... u can kill everyone if u get augment nuke...ppl just dont realize summoners have the best passives of all classes and also 3x more hp than any other mage (summon hp)...so u can pretty much play summoner, nuke with augmented weapon, debuff with bane and shackle/disruption and also now summoners are immune to many debuffs since the introduction of smart cubic


now with gracia, • Unicorn Seraphim: Acumen Effect, Clarity Effect,, Empower Effect, Wild Magic effect


so i must say, elemental summoner is truly powerful if played this way ;)


Little add to your to your guide : for Agrade is alltime best armor DC robe set - great speed bonus, + casting and pdef. Its much more better then majestic set


huhu NM light I would use maximally on oly against cancelers :F


and last thing. I have to agree with people who think summoner sux in open pvp. Summoners own only on pvps with low ammount of buffs or in oly but in pvp when everybody runs around with fullbuff and one shot your summon (or in few more hits) there is no usage for him. respective then is time to became buffbot in archer/mage party (WL/ES) with your buffsummons.


DC is bad for ur mana, its bad for pve, and u take stun in olympiad..if u want a c.speed set, tallum is best for olympiad vs mages..against fighters majestic or bw light if u cant afford MJ, and NM light is against orc mystic only


about open pvp, i dont have problem cuz i have shadow flare on my AM and i kill a lot with it + seraphim gift i help my party..but regular summoners are supposed to assist in mass pvp...u use the party summon and ur debuffs only..u dont fight to attack...but to debuff enemy


- Phantom summoner spam mage bane and shackle

- elemental summoner spam warrior bane and shackle

- arcana lord spam both banes and arcane disruption on mages/heallers


about ur summon being 2 shot..its not true...the summon has a lot of hp, and overall stats than any S grade weapon..also critical on pets works different than on fighters...their 40 isnt the same as a blunt


and u have to remember, songs and dances are 2 minutes only...so what most ppl have outside arenas is prophet/OL/wc buffs or clan hall buffs..so they wont 2 shot any summon ..im not talking about trash servers with 4 lines of buffs




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