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[L2-OFF] EliteHQ - 7x Retail-like


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(Disclaimer: Website is not...100% done, but give us a few days ;) )

(Want to be part of our revolution ? http://forum.elitehq.org/index.php?topic=63.0 apply here!)


Tired of... almost every single other L2Off server out there?

Want a Server where everything really is developed ground up by the actual staff?

Then give us a chance to wow you ;).


Our goal is to provide a high quality retail like (L2OFF) private server with FREYA Chronicle for everyone who enjoys later L2 chronicles and wants a server that is unique in features, has great stability and is ran by an actual experienced staff.

We realize in the real "old days" of private server L2 - will probably be hard to find again.

However with your help - our goal is to do something just as good even if different.


Our files are fully self developed and have been in development for the past 7 months. We code everything ourselves.  We're one of the few(..probably the ONLY one) who can claim this. Ask us any technical question, demand any feature of us - we can develop anything required.

All we need is a community to drive us, demand of us and make sure we work on the right elements.


Our first server is a Lowrate - the base of a big servers community.

We hope you'll join us - and help re-build some of the great moments in private server history!


Launch Date - 10th of March - 6 PM GMT+1/CET


Lowrate Launch Features:



-EXP 7x

-SP 7x

-Spoil 7x

-Adena 9x

-Raids 1x

-Enchant Retail




-100% working Freya Chronicle (Protocol 216)

(Items, Skills, Npc's, Quests etc etc.... You name it - straight from actual retail datafiles.

This includes Freya The Raidboss - So go get her necklace now!)


- Offline Shops

(I think you're already familiar with this - /offline_shop command.)



(In Game Shop - You can buy different things with Elite Points that are obtainable by Donation And Events - All Items obtained from EliteShop are NON-TRADEABLE in all forms.)


- Unique Market Watch System

(...we're those Soulshots too expensive ? Feeling ripped off for the price of a Blacksmith's Frame?

Have no fear, for with our Market Watch - you can check the average prices from the last 24 hours to months from your Account Panel!)


- Character Section System

(Don't wanna login to check what's on your character on in the warehouse? - no problem! View it outgame and continue your day!)


- Unique Outgame Mail System

(Use the new ingame MailSystem outside without logging ingame!)


- Blackwatch - Anti Botting/Packet Sniffer System

(Is our own programmed Antibotting/PacketSniffing solution designed to keep out any form of automated program trying to read data from the lineage 2 client in anyway - In short no botters or packet cheaters.)


- "Real" Custom Commands


(Real commands executed by / just as retail ;) - keep your eyes on the topic for all commands).

(for players to check their ping to the server)


- Two clients allowed per player

(Blackwatch limits 2 launched clients per PC - allowing Dualbox in a very literate sense :) )






Website: http://elitehq.org

Forum: http://forum.elitehq.org
















Retail Freya Raid Test:













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What's the point of going to a big lineage 2 private server forum posting that?


...Now what's the point of doing the above but SPECIFICALLY in this thread?


Hidden agenda much? :O

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Didnt lineage 2 died? whats the point of releasing servers  now, you won't even get players but money... ::)


if Lineage 2 is dead why are you on a Lineage 2 Forum ? this forum is 90% L2 and you are here so i guess its not dead



PS: and your sig is funny i bet you dont know how to dev homo :p lol


I Hate Developing

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those who are trying to recall the interlude l2sublimity serviodr has a similar online so folks who want to go straight to the link account and create self criation time sit this aki who want go and make your downloads gets to play the sit e éh www.la2night.tk communicate information but tk on facebook

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