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flying everywhere?



Hi there,


i have a question. is it possible to make flying-transformations avaible everywhere in the world of l2, not just in the area of gracia? i'm sorry but i'm a web designer and i have no plan about java. wanna try to learn java when my final exam is done (i'm still in apprenticeship)


sorry 4 my bad englisch and thx 4 you answears <3

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Hi there,


i have a question. is it possible to make flying-transformations avaible everywhere in the world of l2, not just in the area of gracia? i'm sorry but i'm a web designer and i have no plan about java. wanna try to learn java when my final exam is done (i'm still in apprenticeship)


sorry 4 my bad englisch and thx 4 you answears <3

you can remove the checks for zones... i believe that there will be exist some checks for the zones... just delete the checks and here we are done :)
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hi there and thx 4 your answer...

where can I find the checks pls? thx

maybe is it->  check for the xml of the skill, for example 00800-00899 for Aura Bird - Falcon

                      and remove it:

<cond msgId="2721">
              <player landingZone="True" />


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Well, since i don't really player interlude+ servers, could you explain exactly how does this work?



I don't think it will be some checks, since you need to add coords where it will fly(from x,y,z to x,y,z to x,y,z etc).

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It's about a the 2 transformation-skills aurabird owl and aurabird falcon. you can get one of the skills via quest on gracia continent (you can choose one). while your character is on gracia continent, you can use the skill and charakter transforms into a bird, that can fly around like wyverns do. but you can't use the skill, while your charakter is somewhere else then gracia area

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Hi there again.

maybe is it->  check for the xml of the skill, for example 00800-00899 for Aura Bird - Falcon

                      and remove it:

<cond msgId="2721">
              <player landingZone="True" />



tried this out and now characters can transform into aurbirds everywhere. but there is still a hook: characters can transform but they can't fly. by clicking on the sky or using E and Q for moving down/up the character keeps down on the ground, just moving around there like he would walk...


any idea why or how to make flying possible? found a "landing_zones.xml" in zones directory. maybe it's possible to change the size of one of this zones, so that it covers the whole continent gracia and another covers the whole continent aden (or even create a new zone in there that does?)

but where can i look up the values i would have to set?

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since you know that you can fly without problems with a wyvern i would start there


public boolean setmount(int npcId, int npcLevel, int -beep-tType)
		case 0:
			/* not used any more
			break; //Dis-beep-ted
		case 1:
				L2Skill striderAssaultSkill = SkillTable.FrequentSkill.STRIDER_SIEGE_ASSAULT.getSkill();
				addSkill(striderAssaultSkill, false); // not saved to DB
		case 2:
			break; //Flying Wyvern
		case 3:
			/* not used any more
			switch (npcId)
				case 16041:
				case 16042:
				case 16037:

	_-beep-tType = -beep-tType;
	_-beep-tNpcId = npcId;
	_-beep-tLevel = npcLevel;

	return true;

so, check what will do


i dont have the l2j svn here so i cant make a search, but u just need to take a look what will that make, u can even try to put that in any script of transformation (datapack) at see what it does


EDIT: mountType is  m o u n t Type

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hi there.

still didn't solve the problem...but i found this in L2world.java

So could i just expand the value for "the east"? which value is it and which count do it have to be? or can I simply delete this part?


public final class L2World


private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2World.class.getName());



* Gracia border

* Flying objects not allowed to the east of it.


public static final int GRACIA_MAX_X = -166168;

public static final int GRACIA_MAX_Z = 6105;

public static final int GRACIA_MIN_Z = -895;


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hi there.

still didn't solve the problem...but i found this in L2world.java

So could i just expand the value for "the east"? which value is it and which count do it have to be? or can I simply delete this part?


public final class L2World


private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2World.class.getName());



* Gracia border

* Flying objects not allowed to the east of it.


public static final int GRACIA_MAX_X = -166168;

public static final int GRACIA_MAX_Z = 6105;

public static final int GRACIA_MIN_Z = -895;


This could work too.

I will check the skill id, if there's a special skill handler for it or something.

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Don't touch L2World values...


About your problem, if you get a system message as refusal when you try to do the action, I would check here.


And so far, Falcon/etc are considered as transformation, not as mou.nt.

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And so far, Falcon/etc are considered as transformation, not as mou.nt.

More or less

public void onTransform()
	if ((getPlayer().getTransformationId() != 8) || getPlayer().isCursedWeaponEquipped())



public void setIsFlyingMou.nted(boolean val)
	_isFlyingMounted = val;

So both, wyvern and falcon are isFlying

try to attack (or falcons only could use skills?) some1 that is flying with a wyvern, maybe its move packets problem

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