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Hehe, funny thing - when I'm sharing something and my char wears my new armor, ppl attack me like faking sharks :D

Here, I quess they should attack You as well ^^ Feel my pain ^^


And...One more thing - You wanted to present Your "new" armor even if it doesn't look nice. How do I know ? Well, "adapting" stuffs from Hi5 <> Freya is just coppy / paste :) You didn't "adapted" it, You just coppied it as long armorgrp dat lines didn't need any kind of adaptation...So, You have made it fast and easy, to show the wolrd Your "new" armor :)


GL Dr. Watson :)


Guest Elfocrash

Just some lines c/p.Not an actual adaption.

Same for the armor,just a simple recoloring and not even a good one.

Have fun


who talk about recoloring and making new lines for sell work of others with your copyrights, like l2legend.ro you sell Godess of Destruction Armors with files of L2SaphireUniverse, epic fail ave, keep dreaming, you don't have respect for nothing.


WTF ? What do You want from me You facker ? I'm not talking to you or about You, so shut the fack up, as long You are the biggest scam here.

Don't act like a saint as long You are no 1 of scammers :] So go back to licking volond1 ass :]


Oh, and BTW: I've NEVER SOLD GOD's ARMORS TO ANYONE :] I've never sold to ANYONE retail armors from GOD, especialy to "l2legend.ro" as You are talking - I'm not You :] Go look at Your tread at Marketplace section about selling GOD's armors, lawl :] Thats the epic fail :] You are talking about me and You know a shit, so once again - go back to lick volond1 / kali ass :] YOU ARE THE BEST ON STEALING OTHERS IDEAS as long You both are retards with no creativity :]


Do something for me, and don't (EVER) speak to me again :]


sure, so that most people I talk nobody respects him, everyone says it sucks when you never pass anything with me, oh and about their ideas of talking you do? painting in PS? thing clear ah expert "CTRL + U, CTRL + SHIFT + U blah blah blah", you are not know shit, a complete thief! well you can go to hell.


Do something for me, and LEARN ENG, or use google translator, as long I barely understand wtf You are trying to say beside insulting me without a reason.

I'm a PS noob ? Haha, show me Your work lame - the Oswald armor painted to black / blue by simply color adjustement, lawl.

Now, go and see my Ithilient armor - You dont even know PS before You met me :] I've teached you PS via TW as long You was a lame noob. What, You dont remember it now ? So who is a PS noob, huh ?


Stealing ? Tell me what did I steal from anyone, huh ? ANYTHING ? And You with Your friend kali ? My whole idea of OliFire armor - at YouTube. You are retards with no creativity, so shut the fack up as long You think you know sooo much, when in realy, You know a shit :]


Once again - go lick volond1 ass and pretend to be his friend to take all tools / files / knowledge from him - this the way You "work" :]


Ave is correct on everything he says. He has the inspiration while CriticalError knows only how to leech & download stuff from any good work of others he finds. That's a reason his hard disk is lifted. (his hard disk = 1 tera byte). That explains that he has downloaded almost all the shares of maxcheaters + more beeing ever made. Then he tries to ''protect his work'' by adding fire.dll , fire.u to the system a proper program that changes the format of l2. We know who sell those programs that's enough to share your work if we want. So please stop beeing the clever boy and look at yourself in facebook. You will recognize the bad truth. Ave is the winner and the real artist, a real personality not a snake like you. That's all.

My condolences Enzo Atler.


Thx Dev.

It was always hard for me to speak with CE as long he insulted me for anything i do. Maybe its because he simply dont like my stuffs, idk, but i dont care. i just dont like when someone insult me like that - without pure reason.

The main problem with CE is that he like to speak like he knows everything about everyone...

Im not saint, i know some ppl think about me as a "mad guy" with a huge "Ego", and maybe i am "mad guy", but only if someone starts to talk shits about me...But i guess no one like such a things, no one like to be insulted by a person who like to thik that he knows me like I would be his neighbour. Im only defending myself against such a guys. Ppl who knows me, but KNOWS me, they know my real nature...And rest of insult guys can only speak shits about me and about my "work" which is not a "work" but a hobby.

Thats all i have to say


Take care



EDIT: Oh, and one more thing - about the Oroshimaru share: I didnt "insulted" him. The main reason of my post was to point the fact then when Ive posted a screen with my (for example) custom armor, ppl start to talk shits that I've made it in purpose, to "prevew" my work. Bullshit. Thats why I've simply changed the damn screen on my tread with TAUTI bow share - ppl started to freak out about the damn screen, so I've changed it...The same storry is here - did he posted this share to preview his armor ? Idk, I guess he does, But if it would be me, ppl would eat me alive ! :]




so much hate ... i want to discuss but isn't really good place to do this...... about @dev u are piece of shit u learn from ppl like CE and now play it pro and insult him...

@ave why u care what CE does ? cause u didnt lick kali ass first? cause he didnt learn you "his tips" to become pro.... or whatever you guys thing is the client modding is....

or because you didnt ask the tools first?.. anyway just think what you guys say before posting.. cause you just saying bullshits without reason start fighting...

i just have to mention that ALL START FROM PS AND shits like this so dont blame the others cause before some days u was in their place's too........




thanks for reply but leave it, this guys don't have respect for nothing and don't remember nothing about what they do before ofc, sure the guy who leech all stuff and post in MXC downloaded by them ahaha very epic history, and sure come to say never download nothing for pride, but ofc they don't have nothing to do post bullshit in forums, because they have a pathetic and boring life and have nothing else to do anyway cheers and gl o all with sales and everything do, I do a lot friends here, good and bad guys but more important is to take something good from all this and are friends (LauQ,Devangell™,GodOfAden aka Ekoice,etc)


@ Devangell™:

So You are the next one who insult me that "I wasnt first who licked his ass" ? lawl, really ? I dont give a fack about that guy. The only reason I've pointed him, is that he try to steal of my customs :] To be honest, I dont give a fack about CE as well - both this guys are retards who leech and steal others ideas. What, am I wrong ?


1. Why kali posted my video (which I've made by myself) with my customs at his YouTube channel ? He did, You didnt know that, huh ? He had to delete it as long I've wrote to YouTube about coping my video without priv :]

2. Now, he tried to recreate my Olimpus Armor - what, am I wonr again ? Just watch his vide, lol. It is coincidence ? Sure, it is...


And CE ? He is +1 every vide from him, he repost his videos at his channel, AND I DONT GIVE A FACK, but this is only a proof of CE licking as of kali. Why ? Because he always finds someone to do that if he needs something ! If he need a tool, or info "how to", he always pretend to be someone "best friend" - this is how the CE is :]


He started to flame me on this topic. Why, to protect Oroshimaru ? Noo (or maybe yes, to became a honest guys who protect innocents, lawl) he did that because some time ago I had a fight with kali about copping my idea of Oli Armor :] CE is "the best friend" of kali now so he flamed me in here :D It's soo -beep-ing easy and obvious.

But ofc, ppl who dont know the backstage stories always think that CE is sooo freaking awesome. Bullshit.


NOW, THE BIG OLD TRUE. CE helped me few years ago with a base L2 shits. I helped him with PS, even he tells that he never asked for it and I'm a PS noob, before my hel VIA TW on PS'ing he didnt even knew how to select colors (besiade ctrl+u).

So, we both took something from each other. There was a fight between us and after that time he always pretend to be honest, cool and best friend of everyone. He need to do that, as long he dont have nothing to ofer :] Hes knowledge is a joke, thats why he have to pretend to be a "best friend" of everyone to learn more.


One more thing - i rather be and asshole but be honest, then lick everyones ass to pretend to be a "best friend" and stab knife into someone back :]


YEAH, judge us now ^^ I really dont give a fack. I just dont like to be insulted in public :]





My dear Ave I still keep supporting all of what you write because they are so fucking TRUE. This is how CE acts just in order to learn more things or to leech stuff. He has like 6-7 alt accounts in other developing forums and asks help from client developers of other games or maybe this is not true ? Just google search ^^

Allthough even if I believe that stupid 16 years old kids like Devaangell shouldn't make the effort to reply just because the more they reply the shittest this topic becomes. Both Ave and I do know how CE reacts years now. We do know who has knowledge and who tries to play the pro guy and be sure NO protection can stop us. We just don't waste time to share ''his work'' because of maturity. Something that CE doesn't know what it means. Anyway enough said. Ave has started selling work to earn money when CE saw - realised that he started doing the same. But the difference is that Ave has inspiration and more than 10 servers (I can't tell names) have got armors of him. Everyone liked his work but never saw a server to use CE's arms. Then CE seeked Ave's armors but he just found only some of them.. so I ask CE do you want me to share your armors ? Like you did with Ave's prettending it is your work ? o.O

@ Devaangell if you dont know a shit keep it shut up it's better for you 16 y.o kiddo.

PS: As about the age even Enzo Atler is 26 he doesn't make more sense than Devaangell.

Take care.


@ Dev

+1, I dont know what else I should add to this tread. I think as long i live, there always will be my-true-love flamers :]


Take care


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